Mercury Transit 2023 from Scorpio to Sagittarius

Mercury is a planet that is a significator for intelligence, knowledge, memory, communications. Mercury gives all the qualities of a speaker, a person with good will power, the power of perseverance, the logical ability, the inquisitive thought on matters. It gives the person good memory power and argumentative capacity. When Mercury conjoins with ketu the person will remember even the smallest of the thing in life. Mercury is very important to all people and living beings for all matters in life, some major things are like, for student education, studies, researchers, businessmen, stationery, old books, singing, musical instruments, teeths, nerves, temperature. Some items of life are the mercury in thermometer, stationary paper, documentation, sea shells, certain big leaf plants kept in gardens of houses. In relationships majorly it signifies the sisters, daughters. Overall, it rules on your maturity and will make you immature, it gives smartness, coins and certain birds like parrot.

Mercury is the lord of dual signs Gemini and Virgo signs/rashis. That is why the reason that when Mercury is positively dominant one has duality in every thing in life. It has a direct impact on business and mental hard work. Such persons never reveal their innerself to society. From the point of view of health, the effect is on the shoulder and navel part. That is the reason, why some people have typical mental issues and issues of memory as their Mercury is helmed by malefic planets, or it is in a debilitated sign, which arises medical issues.

Mercury transits Sagittarius from November 27, 2023 IST 06.05 December 28, 2023 1035 a.m. It takes 30 days in each sign and 12 months to complete the 3600 and one round of the 12 rashis, the constellation so called gochar. Mercury transit in November 2023 can affect your life— business, career, education, love, family life, etc., based on the house from the natal Moon. Mercury gives promising results from where the Moon is situated in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and eleventh house at the time of birth. In the remaining places, i.e., on the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and twelfth house, the Moon effect will be mixed or negative.

This transit is special for the planet, since it is travelling in the house of its father the Deva Guru Brihaspati, Jupiter.

  • Mercury : Ownership : Gemini & Virgo (well placed Gemini)
  • Exaltation : Virgo
  • Moolatrikona : Virgo
  • Debilitation : Pisces

The prediction of Mercury’s transit in Sagitarius for each houses from Moon sign and the remedies are as under :

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 1st house

Mercury transit in 1st house Sagittarius which is the domain of Jupiter and moon here is under control of Jupiter but with Mercury it creates a sort of imbalance which leads to indulging in evil deeds and one may not ger good support form friends and even mentors, gurus and even from father. It is very essential for Sagittarius natives to restrain control on their words and actions or else they will have to face adverse consequences in business, job and also family life. Keep your emotions and anger under control. Certain health issues may be seen by these natives in the parts of thighs knees.

Some natives may begin new ventures, new higher studies, such natives should take care that they donot drop it in between maintain continuity and complete it. Donot give advise freely to anyone unless asked lest you may turn up a laughing stock. These are periods where you will involve in multiple activities. Though you may tend to be selfish but it is also to be ensured that you donot leave work incomplete.Your logic and wit will be of high level but take care of not spoiling it.


Pray the Prathama Devta Shri Ganesha Bhagwan and Gift green bangles or a saree to the old lady of the family.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 2nd house

Mercury transit in second house will increase your savings and you will get appreciation from family, relatives, uncles and mother’s sisters. Your bent for going deep in to subject, work will grow during this period. There will be new opportunities on your way you will cherish and gainfully utilise them. There will be some difference with your partners take care and do not apply logic and arguments over there or else this may give dispute with your wife. Take care of women folk in your in-laws family given them support and help. Avoid long distance travels.

Some of the natives are likely to start new business ventures they will have good partnership companions. This is the house where mercury gives rise to teachers and preachers, though they will have to work hard and struggle. Rest the transition will be good.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Durga MAA and apply kesar tilak on the forehead.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 3rd house

This is the place where mercury plays a crucial role on the will power, courage and inner strength. This transit will give good results for courage strength and will power since there will be new venture taken by the native. The communication aspect of words, speech, hate, and expression which will also include bodily expression will be matter of concern. For this you must keep things in control or else you are likely to get a false image.

This transit sometimes will give a false picture of being a hero but then when the transit is over you may land up to be a zero. Just take care of communication donot give any false picture and alluring words. The natives health may suffer due to too much stress avoid unnecessary communations.


Avoid gossips and pray lord Ganesha. Seve Lemon Tea at home and to needy.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 4th house

With transit of Mercury in fourth house the natives will buy new vehicles new innovative venture will take place. Again here Mercury will have the company of Guru, the Jupiter, all likely the natives bent will be more on education and learning. Natives may feel some unwanted element coming into their life and would feel ignored. But this is a good time to learn and keep update.

Mothers affection will increase and all likely will stay and spend some time with mother. Natives are advised to be close to their mother as this is the time when certain tips of life and guidance will be bestowed by mother. Natives closer to mother will not feel ignored during this period.

Remedy: Pray to Goddess Durga and Feed soaked green grams to pigeons and crows.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 5th house

This transit of Mercury will give some health related issues. The immunity level need to be checked up and kept in good spirit. Donot put your immunity level to challenge. The transit is not even good for children it might give some tough time in their studies and success in desired level of achievements. say that during this period, things might not go as planned with your spouse. On the marital front one need to take care of communication and any work with upkeep of house and pending documentation work or else you may have issues with your spouse.

The times are more than important for friends and colleagues. You will have good time with them and may have outing and parties. Be careful on communication front with your friends and colleagues. This is a house where Mercury would be very neutral and would not be very harmful and also it would not have any direct impact. The matters will be more decided by Jupiter, Moon and Sun. The struggle here is to make innovations and come out with new ideas and out of box solutions.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Sarawathi, donate some books and stationery items.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 6th house

This is a good place to give success and profits. The competition will bbe there but Business will expand, knowledge will enhance, and you shall receive profit from various sources. The academicians will gain good strength and will progress during this period. There will kindly comforts and luxury level to during this month. There will some stress for which a relaxation and rejuvenation is required. Money will flow in for many and there will be some sort of getting a loan which was pending for a long time.You may have applied for house the money will flow in. Do utilise it gainfully. Some will achieve success in competitions and will come out with flying colours. Musicians will have a good time and will purchase a new instruments. Singers and artists will have good amount of success in their songs and arts. The house does gives some success during the month. Document writers will have good work and will have to on toes to maintain the records.

Remedy: Pray Prathama Devta Shri Ganesha Bhagwan and offer good sweets and green fruits on Wednesdays.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 7th house

This is the place where the mercury will be giving you emotional issues and will give room to your colleagues, partners and spouse will want you to to plug the loose holes and fill them. You will have to deal with them alone and you may loose out on your patience. With the 2023 Mercury transit in this house, there shall be a breach in all your connections, including family members and colleagues. However, your superiors begin seeking the errors in your work. Due to all these reasons, you will find yourself alone and beset with despair. You will have to face opposition from your near and dear ones, and your children will also be part of this game. Your health shall see the impacts fiercely due to mental disturbance. Furthermore, health concerns for your spouse and children will remain. Nevertheless, you should get proper treatment and take other house members to the doctor.

For good health, you should establish better communication with your family members, which helps avoid the feeling of negligence. This transit foretells some hard times for natives who are on travel. Rejuvenation trips would be helpful than business trips. Pay more attention on communication with your partner and best friends. Remember words are stronger than actions.

Remedy: Donate some green grams in temple, Pray the trunk of Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 8th house

The transit will confer good effect on this eight house on your matters of income, unearned incomes, extra money, your respect and image among the people will increase and you shall enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. You will you lend the full support of your life partner, but you will also experience much love from your children you will also give support to your inlaws. You will give give good support to your children and will have rejuvenation and outings with family. There can be an addition of new member in family.

Income from unearned sources will be received. Profits will increase and you may get dividends and royalty money also. You health will be good and your immunity level will boost. As regards work you will do good in job and business will grow. Your opponents will get defeated. Your relationship and intimacy will grow and you will make new friends.

Remedy: Pray MAA Durga and offer a saree to the diety.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 9th house

This transit in nineth house of your horoscope shall be less beneficial as you tend to put your own identity, pleasing talks, arguments, logic which are not accepted your colleagues, friends, and family members and thus the mutual understanding will get spoilt. Natives are advised to be cautious while communicating with their mentors, father, elder brother and also bosses. This transit will result in higher education and those pursuing higher education will get success. Long distance travels are going to be there.

This transit will also give a chance of long distance travels some may go for foreign travels and on business trips sponsored by employers. Success in endeavours will be achieved with good rating.

Remedy: Donate items of green substance such as green leaves. Give Basil garlands tulsi mala in temple to Shri Ramji.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 10th house

It is a good time to start a career, choose the career field wisely during this period as the chances of success are very high, but with the right exploration. Your atmosphere at home will be good and harmonious, you will enjoy some outings and dinners with family. Those in finance, banking, accounting fields will get good jobs and will have success. This is the place where you will feel to be at highest level and in great form. Businessmen will have good time and reap in rich profits during the month. More intense month for work area. Family life may suffer and you may not be able to give time. Spare time for family. Immunity of body will be adequate and take care of your timely food.

Remedy: Pray Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj on Wednesdays offer garik to diety.

will enjoy some outings and dinners with family. Those in finance, banking, accounting fields will get good jobs and will have success. This is the place where you will feel to be at highest level and in great form. Businessmen will have good time and reap in rich profits during the month. More intense month for work area. Family life may suffer and you may not be able to give time. Spare time for family. Immunity of body will be adequate and take care of your timely food.

Remedy: Pray Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj on Wednesdays offer garik to diety.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 11th house

This transit shall mark rise in pleasures and desires and their fulfilment. A hormony with friends, neighbours and association with people are strong and secure. All you desires of enjoyments, outings, family meetings will be fulfilled. If you are trading in stocks and shares this is the time to reap in profits. Short terms gains and high profits are indicated here. Be cautious with money, expenditure on entertainment will be more during this month.

Student will gain in their scores and ratings. They will have good times with their friends and teachers. Romance will be good and people in relationship will find to be much happier.

Remedy: Donate some conch, bell in a temple.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 12th house

This transit when passes is very favourable for 12th house as there may be a loss of money and health. Your communations will be ineffective. Diapointments will be high. You will feel highly burdened, turning back and forth to discover the reasons behind your current circumstances. Therefore, you must understand that with time everything changes, so don't be too disappointed. For a calm mind, you should meditate and spend time doing yoga.

Chances of being hospitalised are more, natives may have setback of matters in life. There will be sever disappointment in matters of relations. Youngsters to be more careful. New borns to be take additional care. Travel will be imminent and may not serve purpose. Old age people to taken care as this transit may affect their memory. A deep sink in to spiritiality will be highly appreciated.

Remedy: Chant Vishnu Sahrasanaam daily.

For good results and issues chant Gayatri Ganapati mantra wear good Emerald stone of good quality and can also be procured from Astroyogi site. For all guidance please contact Astro Bhanu.