Numerology February 2024

Numerology for month of February 2024. The Year Number 8 “The Year of Justice”.

Welcome all to the month of spring in “Year of Wood Dragon”, in the Universal year karma and destiny number 8. This is the year of Saturn. The month is of Moon the month seasonal change and beautiful romantic aroma in the climate around the world. The month changes the destiny and moods of all the natives across. The month is one of movement short or long excursions and enjoyments. There will be heavy emotions of all kinds in this month. The month of February is signified by number 2 and the life path number for the month is 1 the composite number is 10 and the birth number is 2. The vedic numerology will signify the planet Moon and the birth number and Sun as the life path number for this month. The combination is of king and queen and definitely the moon becomes the wanning moon. The Sun all the more more powerful. The month shall signify events related to the power of governments, sovereign, the nation, the employers, the institutions in large.

Predictions for February 2024 (Born on 01,10,19,28 of any month) “Leadership”.

Dear number 1, natives, the month will bring a great deal of happenings since it is having birth number 1, and this is accompanied by an opposite combination of number 10. The Sun and Sun. Its all in the family, but two high level energy and fire balls will ignite. It is pertinent for you to be cool and calm and not to be over heated. People may even fear from you but do lot of hardwork and the destiny will be with you.

There will be new assignments, projects and undertaking which will go a long way and some will be visionary projects.

The time is good for people in jobs and services most of them will have some conflict with bosses rest the month will be good. A change in job or a change of boss is not ruled out.

For students and scholars this will be intense month with double the energy. There will be good guidances coming for their help. In family and relationships you will dominate the entire show in this month.

Favourable dates : 01,10,19,28

Favourable day : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday

Colour : Orange

Remedy : Offer water to Sun god on Sundays

Predictions for February 2024 (Born on 02,11,20 of any month) “Mediator”.

Dear birth number 2, natives, the month has many activities happening and you shall be also going around and meeting many people new, known and unknown. Business relationship will improve and you shall be starting new ventures. Natives in business related with water will have good profits.

Natives in jobs and professionals will have movement during the month and rise in cash flow. Additional incomes and bonuses will be given to boost to bonuses and intangible assets. There will be communications in the business which will result in fruitful gains.

Students and scholars will have good time and will also enjoy a decent holiday during this period. You will be helping many and will receive good vibrations from the cosmic for your good deeds.

Family and romance will be on the swing and a deep bondage in family specially with mother will be there. Life with partner and friends with be romantic and love life will be on a high node and things are pretty good during this month.

Remedy:Pray lord Shiva

Favourite days :Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Favourite dates :2, 11,20

Color :Milky, white.

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 03,12,21, 30 of any month) “Diplomat”.

Dear number 3 natives, the month is going to be one of the best for you. You are in the best form of your business, there will be good growth. Luck will favour you, you will be among the most favourites among all. Natives will be facing and justifying all challenges with their knowledge and wisdom. Success will be there in all your business ventures during the month. You may receive some favours from Sovereign.

Natives in jobs and professions will do good and may receive a promotion and success in the month. There will be new job opportunities and you may change job. Great chances of promotion and upgradation in the existing profiles also possible.

Family and relationship will be good and with your wisdom you shall dominate upon things and will steer the family to right direction. A conduct of a happy event is likely during the month.

Remedy:Pray God Shree Vishnu.

Favourable days :Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.

Favourable dates :3, 12,21,30.

Color :Yellow

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 04,13, 22, of any month) “Karma”.

Dear number 4 natives, your surviving business and independent works may see some hurdles and obstacles, take necessary precautions and reduce these hurdles. There will also be some very big new ventures initiated which will be successful. This is the time when you will be setting foundations in all aspects of your life. Disconnecting yourself from minor anxieties will take you to progress, so lose them and focus on your overall plan for the rest of your life.

Natives in jobs and professions may go for a long distance travel possibly foreign and out of boundaries also. There will be new assignments and big works initiated by them. An expansion in size of present organisations is possible.

On the family and relationship front there will be less on communications among them. A Stressful climate may prevail for some time.

Remedy:Pray Kaal Bhairav on Sunday in rahu kaal.

Favorable days :Friday and Saturday.

Favourable dates : 4,13,22.

Color :Blue

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 05,14, 23, of any month) “ All rounder”.

Dear number 5 natives, the month will be good for business and professional works you will be involved in multi-tasking activities. There will be fair amount of success. Financial aspects of money and assets to be taken care off. Natives in the business of white elements of milk cloth or any white coloured substances will have good benefits.

Natives in jobs and professions will do travel and will be receiving good gains during the month.

Relationships may be a matter of concern. Some relationship may misuse you. Family atmosphere will be quite and will need your support.

Sudden happenings will take place. The month will be like a roller coaster with many changes in direction throughout. Future commitments will have to be ensured by you. The times are good for enjoyments, meeting in gatherings, friends and relatives.

Remedy:Pray Bhagwan Ganesh maharaj.

Favorable days :Wednesday, Sunday, Friday.

Favourable dates : 5,14,23.

Color :Green

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 05,15, 24, of any month) “All rounder”.

Dear number 6 natives, the month will bring good money and progress in business. Businesses in fields of arts, media, beauty designs and cosmetics will have good growth.

Natives in jobs and subordinations will have some issues with female folk. Involvement with female folk may be reduced.

There will be some commitments made by you ensure to fulfill it. Corrections of a positive kind can be made in business, romance and family relationships. Relationships have to be cherished and nurtured.

An accountability will be fixed on you. Responsibility to family and the obligation to serve all humanity is your duty. Any call for fulfilling responsibility will have to be obliged by you.

Remedy:Pray Godess Maa Laxmi devi.

Favorable days :Friday, Saturday, Wednesday.

Favourable dates : 6,15,24.

Color :White

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 07,16, 25, of any month) “ Faith”.

Dear number 7 natives, will get appreciation in their work and will receive rewards and gains. There will be favours from sovereign and much awaited long pending works will get completed.

Natives in jobs and independent professions will get great appreciation and promotions.

Students and scholars will do good and will be in fore front of every event in this month.

All the number 7 natives will have to adopt spirituality in their daily life and routine. In times of difficulties you must involve in meditation and prayer activities. Reading of spiritual books will fufill your spirituality in life. Do have the company of saints and holy men for knowledge and wisdom.

Remedy:Pray Lord Ganesha.

Favorable days :Wednesday.

Favourable dates : 7,16,25.

Color :Yellow, multicolored

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 08,17, 26, of any month), “ Accomplishment”.

Dear number 8 natives, this is one of the finest period for the business and entrepreneurs, all long pending works will be completed and accomplished. Your hardwork will bear fruits in this period and you will achieve success. There are possibilities of issues with workers, employees, be good with them.

Working natives and professionals will have good results for their hardwork and struggle. A promotion in job and change of job is very much predicted. the Family and relationship will be well managed and maintain cordiality among relations. There will be a event in the family.

Remedy:Pray Shani maharaj on Saturdays.

Favorable days :Saturday.

Favourable dates : 8,17,26.

Color :Black

Prediction for the month of February 2024 (Born on 09,18, 27, of any month), “Humanity”.

Dear number 9 natives, the month is very good for you. There will be good aggression and command in work. Business and entrepreneurials will have good success and shall achieve their work. There will be good coin their fields and mmunications and new ventures will be successful. Agriculture and harvest will be good and reap good benefits.

Natives in jobs and professions will have good success in their fields and will make achievements and win accolades. Changes in jobs and new jobs will be achieved by the natives. There will also be changes in your seniors and bosses. Aggression level has to be kept in control or else things may get spoiled

Family and relations will be good and number 9 natives will dominate. Natives will protect and also be saviour in times of help. Natives will also be dominating the family affairs and relations.

Remedy:Pray Bahubali Bhagwan Hanumanji.

Favorable days :Tuesday.

Favourable dates : 9,17,27.

Color :Brown

Note : These numerology predictions are based on general readings and may differ for each individual based on their unique numerology charts. For any detailed predictions and analysis and remedies and issues please consult Astro Bhanu on Astroyogi.

Venus Transit In Virgo

Venus the planet of love being feminine and beauty, along with all kinds of pleasures. A strong Venus creates artistic appreciation and strong, lasting marriages. This is significator of wealth, happiness, money and luxuries in life. When it is weak it leads to problems with relationships wealth and happiness.

This is one of the planet which can be observed in the east as a morning star and in the west as evening star. This transit of Venus to Virgo takes place on November 3, 2023 at 05:49 hours and will stay in Virgo till November 30, 2023 00:49 hours. The transit of Venus roughly happens after every 25-27 days. Venus will be around the Sun with in the range of 47 degrees. A strong Venus gives Malavaya yoga which gives a beautiful body, handsome appearance, meritorious, blessed with vehicles, wife and children, wealth, learned in scriptures, liberal with counsels people, followers. A strong Venus may supply all the essential satisfaction in life, good health and a strong mind. A strong Venus may provide the natives with all positive results with high success in reaching happiness and pleasure. Natives with strong Venus in their horoscope may make themselves comfortable and live happily. The natives may be flourishing extremely in earning money and increasing their comforts.

When Venus combines with a bad association of planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars, there might be struggles and obstacles the natives could be facing. If Venus combines with Mars then the natives may possess impulsiveness and aggression and if Venus combines with malefics like Rahu/Ketu during this planetary movement, the natives might be facing health problems like skin related issues, lack of sound sleep and extreme swelling problems. However, if Venus is associated with benefic planets like Jupiter then positive results for the natives may get doubled with respect to their business, trade, gaining more money and enhancing their scope of earning more money.

Venus as we all know is the significator for love, beauty and entertainment, and so Venus gains prominence in one’s life. When Venus goes weaker, then there may be lack of happiness, lack of bonding among the natives. When Venus transits and gets strong especially in zodiac signs like Taurus and Libra, then, natives may derive all fortunes in gaining more money, keeping good relationships with their life partner.

The current article will discuss on the general predictions of Venus transit in Virgo on all constellations. These are general predictions and readers may assess their predictions based on their moon sign or sun sign both applicable.


For Aries natives the lord of romance and luxury Venus transit is not in good position to allow natives to make wise decisions regarding natives life which may promote natives interest. Natives may lose some consciousness during this course of time which may be needed for natives to meet with success. There may be chances for some unknown sense of fear which natives may be possessing which natives need to avoid during Venus Transit In Virgo. First natives essentially will need to be clear in their actions and thoughts. Natives are advised to avoid pursuing major decisions like new investment during Venus Transit In Virgo.

On the career front, opportunites will be missing, natives may be meeting with more problems in the form of obstacles and work pressure which may be detrimental to natives interests in promoting natives self with respect to natives career. Natives relations with their superiors and colleagues during this period will not be good and uneventful. Natives may adopt some way of working and try to earn a good name with reputation. Chances for change of job of natives which may not be to their interest.

Natives doing business, may bring less profits and ther may be losses. If natives are in a partnership, then natives may be facing problems in partnership and if natives try for new partnerships, then natives are bound to face heavy loss. So, natives may need to be more careful.

On the financial front, during this transit, natives may be meeting with more losses that natives may not be expecting and this could cause more worries for natives. Natives may also lose money while traveling due to negligence and for this, natives may need to pay more attention and focus on the same. During this time, natives may be having more commitments and for the same, natives may need to spend more money. The natives may be getting money from debts and borrowings from friends which may be quite natural. So, natives need to plan their expenses and spend precariously.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, things will be problematic there will be more of health issues, doubts, fights and quarrels. Misunderstanding will increase leading to distraught relationships. Some of the Aries may also be aggressive in their relationships.

On the health front, during this transit, natives may be prone to digestion problems and eye related infections which may act as a constraint and botheration for natives.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Haunamanji seek for good relations and finances. Chant hanuman chalisa.


For the Taurus natives, Venus is significator for self and friendship, relations and education. It is not a good transit for Taurus natives and is devoid of comforts, relations. Taurusian might not be able to generate the requisite success out of vigorous efforts and may need to take care of their health. Natives skills will not be adequate to have a good position to secure the expected results. The career front, natives may face more work pressure and obstacles from natives superiors. There may be some distress on natives part which natives will be witnessing while performing work. So, natives need to take care and be careful. Natives may need to work out and plan accordingly so that natives may be able to meet with high success.

On the business front during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives could be facing both profits and loss which natives might not be able to manage easily. Natives may need to be more careful in natives moves with natives business partner which is required during this course of time or otherwise natives might be losing several things in life.The business may run on break even, natives may need to change natives strategies with respect to natives business so that natives are in tune with the new trends in business. In short, natives will have to accommodate nativesself to contemporary trends.

On the financial front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be put into the situation of going for loans which are very much needed to cover up natives commitments. There may be only scope for moderate savings which will be prevailing during this course of time. Natives may also be put to the situation of facing money loss sometimes.

On the relationship front, during this transit, relationship problems may exist for natives with natives life partner and this may be possible due to lack of adjustments that may be prevailing within natives. So due to this, natives may need to accommodate nativesself to situations which need to be done or otherwise, there could be more arguments.

On the health front, natives may be subjected to pain in eyes, throat infections etc. Natives may also be put into the situation of spending more money for the health of natives children.

Remedy:Pray God Kartikeya and chant Sree Kartikeya Stotram.


For the Gemini natives, the transit Venus is significator of the relations, career, work, innovations, travel sleep expenditure and pleasures Geminians may be able to secure all the benefits that natives get during this period. Natives may be able to derive more interest in spiritual matters and get along with this. Spiritual travels for Geminians are not ruled out.

On the career front, natives may be able to derive all benefits during this course of time which may give natives full satisfaction. Natives may also get new job chances that may prove to be worthy enough. Natives may get promotions in natives job for the hard efforts that natives are putting into. Natives may be able to display leadership qualities in natives work and further enhance the same.

On the business front, if natives are doing business natives will be gaining new business contacts and gain benefits from the same. There may be good chances for natives to secure new orders, but the profits that natives may derive from business operations may not be possible at a full rate. Natives may be getting only moderate profits despite the efforts that natives are putting in business. Natives may be facing some partnership problems also during Venus Transit In Virgo and due to this, natives may not be able to show more attention towards natives business.

On the financial front, during this month, natives may be put into the situation of facing both expenses and gains; or natives may be meeting with some expenses and good money gains. Even if natives are earning better, natives could be spending more money for native’s house and the scope of saving money may become moderate.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit in Virgo natives may be facing some better closeness with natives family members and natives life partner and in turn natives may be in a good position to build up a better relationship and good values.

On the health front, natives will be able to keep fine health and gain comforts due to briskness and energy that natives will be able to keep during this time. Natives may also be having the enthusiasm and positive attitude that may guide natives to maintain good health.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharvasheesh path.


For the Cancer natives, Venus in this transit will be significator of comforts, mother, warmth, gains and fulfilments of desires.

Cancerians this a good period. Also, natives may be able to derive satisfaction for the efforts that natives are pursuing. Further, natives may be able to fulfil natives desires during Venus Transit in Virgo. There may be chances for more travel for natives and some may be put to change of place with respect to their career.

On the career front, there may be more benefits possible for natives during Venus Transit in Virgo and good recognition for the skills that natives are showing. Natives may be gaining the reputation of native’s superiors and this may surprise natives. Due to the above reason, natives may be changing jobs for better prospects and thereby to gain satisfaction.

If natives are in business, then this transit may bring good success in business and if natives have expectations of aiming for high profits then it may be possible for natives to achieve the same with respect to natives business. Natives may be getting good profits and thereby gain more satisfaction also. There may be stiff competition that natives may be facing from competitors, but despite this competition, natives will be able to gain.

On the money front, during Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be facing more money gains. Natives may be able to use the money that natives are gaining. There may be good chances for natives to save money and thereby natives may be gaining chances to accumulate more money. It may be a good moment for natives during this transit movement, that the money that natives earn may be used wisely for savings.

On the relationship side, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. There may be chances for more happy moments and natives may be proud about the same and the feelings that natives may be having with natives’ life partner may be more lovable

During Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be possessing better health and this may be due to enthusiasm and energy left within. There may be more briskness that may enable natives to support.

Remedy:Pray God Chandramouleeswaran and chant Shiv Panchakshari Stotram.


For the Leo natives, Venus is the significator of valour, confidence, communication, hard work and karma.

During this transit, natives may be facing difficulties in natives career front. There may not be much job satisfaction and the reason for this is that there may be a lack of recognition that natives may be owning from natives’ superiors. Natives might be feeling disappointed with respect to natives’ career. Natives could be facing displeasure from natives’ higher officials and from natives subordinates. Such displeasure might be causing more concern for natives.

Leoians will face some changes in job and in their workplace may be a change of place is also shown. A new job and new relations are not ruled out in this period.

For natives in business, this Transit might not bring high profits though natives losses may tend to reduce and sometimes natives may be facing even loss which may make natives feel bad. There may be situations for natives to face even loss in business which natives may not be able to bear. Stiff competition and non-support of native’s business partners may cause disappointments to natives, even loss in business which natives might not be able to bear. All these situations could cause disappointments to natives.

During this period, natives may be facing loss of money while traveling and this may be arising due to negligence. Further during this transit movement, natives may need to spend money for the health of native’s siblings and life partner.

Even though natives may be spending money for natives’ life partner, natives may not derive good satisfaction from natives life partner and she may not derive satisfaction despite the care that natives may be giving. Natives may also lose money by lending to friends and such money may not come back to natives.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain charmless in a relationship with natives life partner. There may be lack of bonding and this may arise due to arguments which may erupt while communicating. Natives may get provoked for unwanted reasons and this provocation natives may need to avoid to ensure happiness. It may be essential for natives to maintain patience and tolerance in such a way that natives may be meeting with success in a relationship with natives life partner and thereby create a positive space.

On the health front, natives may be having pain in natives throat and succumb to digestion related problems. There may be a lack of sleep during nights sometimes. Natives may need to resort to physical exercises to maintain natives health intact. Sometimes natives may also be experiencing pain in legs and thighs etc. It may be better for natives to do meditation/yoga to keep natives health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to support the same.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ram Raksha Stotra for karya siddhi and good health.


For the Virgo natives, Venus will be significator of family, money, cash flow, luck life, fortune and success in all endeavours.

For working class and employees it will be a period of desire fulfilment of career and professions. Natives may be in a position to get new job opportunities during Venus Transit In Virgo which may fulfil natives objectives.There may be overseas travel and chances with respect to the same. Natives may be in a position to gain recognition and reputation with natives superiors which may give natives delight. Appreciating natives performance in a job, natives may get an increase in salary or earn incentives/perks which may give natives satisfaction. New job chances that natives may be getting may be promoting natives interests and make natives a complete person. Natives may also be getting rewards and extra incentives which may be possible because of dedication and professional tendencies that natives may be having.

For natives in business the transit will give a high level of profits and natives may get chances for securing further new business contacts and setting a good example with natives competitors. Natives may be in a position to witness traces of more luck during this transit movement with respect to natives business. Business partners may be in a position to cooperate with natives and due to this, natives may be in a position to make more suitable decisions and promote natives business.

On the financial front, natives may be able to earn good money and save also. Natives may have a lot of chances by earning more money from external sources and or through outsourcing. Fortunes may be favouring natives in which natives may gain money through inheritance. Natives may be lucky enough to amass extra incentives and rewards which may be giving natives a lot of joy with ecstasy. Natives may be able to get support from natives friends in gaining money. If natives are in business, natives may get favourable chances to secure money through foreign sources.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain cordial relationships with natives life partner. Natives may also be in a position to secure good support from natives life partner. Natives may be able to communicate in a pleasant manner with natives life partner and for this, natives may be in a position to get the return in the form of more love from natives beloved life partner.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems and generally natives may be in a fitting condition. Natives may be able to own the enthusiasm, courage and determination to face complex situations and this may in turn guide natives to maintain fine health.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharva sheesh path.


For the Libra natives, Venus is the significator of secret things and expenditures, hospitalisation, travel and some events of litigation issues. You may do some secret activities in this month, your health may see some impact in the form of some weakness, ear problem, cold and cough and there might be expenditure on medical lookup and medicines. The month will be good for medical practitioners and associated fields.

Librans in their the career will witness frequent changes and shifts of jobs. The desire of Librans to achieve heights and luxuries on life will take them to various places. Libra natives may be having more interest in career development and natives may put natives focus with respect to the same.

For business natives, then this movement may bring moderate success in business and enable natives to earn a low level of profits. Natives may also be getting moderate chances to secure outsourcing business during this time and this may bring natives moderate profits only. Natives may be securing moderate satisfaction from natives business.

On the financial side, natives may be getting less money from natives job. Natives may get less chances to gain more money via foreign sources. Since natives will be more career conscious during this Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may not be so comfortable in terms of earning high money.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain a relationship in a more friendly manner with natives life partner. Natives may not secure the cordial support of friends and natives life partner during this course of time.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems that may be creating high troubles for natives. Natives may be having only eye related health problems and irritations etc. But natives may be owning coughs and colds which may be arising due to allergies.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Ganesh gayatri Mantra.


For the Scorpio natives, the transit of Venus is significator of relationships, spouse, business partner, success, pleasures, travel, diseases. The shall be one where you will have relationships blossoming into being a lifetime partnerships. Many will get married, those aspiring for separation and remarriage the same may take place. Aggression during the month will be high this may not be good for the Scorpio natives.

On the career front, Scorpion natives may be facing good results with respect to natives career. The present job may be suitable for natives and may be giving natives satisfaction. Natives may be facing satisfaction with natives superiors/colleagues etc. Natives may also be put to long travel with respect to natives career for which natives may think of changing natives job for better prospects. For the hard work being done, natives may be getting the essential recognition and this may cause natives happiness. There may be good traces of luck which natives may need to face with respect to natives career.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring good success in business in terms of luck, profits etc. Natives may be facing less competition from natives competitors and in turn there may not be more problems from natives competitors.

On the money front, natives may be getting good money out of the efforts that natives create. More gains may be prevailing for natives during this transit movement and the scope to save may be more. Natives may also be facing unexpected sudden money gains which natives may not have expected.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. If at all if natives require happiness in a relationship, natives may need to adjust with natives life partner to witness merry moments.

On the health front, natives may be having good health due to a balanced diet. Natives may be having good immunity during this transit movement and this may guide natives to maintain fine health. It may be better for natives to do meditation/Yoga to keep sound health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to support the same.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Hanuman and chant Hanuman Chalise.


For the Sagittarius natives, Venus transit is significator of disease, debts, enemies and the urge to fulfil desires and have gains.

Due to the above facts, there may be good luck shining with natives and due to this, natives may be able to gain high fortunes and money. There may be more travel for natives with respect to natives career. Natives may be deriving fortunes from natives father.

On the career front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be gaining satisfaction in natives job or natives may be getting new abroad job chances that may fulfil natives desires. Natives may be facing more satisfaction in natives job during this time and natives may be in a position to secure appreciation for the hard efforts that natives are putting in.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring particularly good success in business in terms of profit. Natives may be carried out by intense competition, but at the same time, natives may be in a position to gain more profits with natives sound technique and the functioning style of business. Natives may also run multiple businesses.

On the money front, during this transit, natives may be getting high money and at times, suddenly unexpected increase in money. Such an unexpected increase in money may come as a surprise for natives and at times may not be giving natives an elevated level of satisfaction.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. This may be possible due to the level of understanding that natives will be able to keep and thereby satisfactory results may be possible.

Sagittarius natives will have sound health and will have good enthusiasm and energy levels present in natives. It may be better for natives to do meditation/Yoga to keep natives health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to keep the same.

Remedy:Pray Go Shiva linga and perform rudra abhishek.


For the Capricorn natives, venus is the best friend and darling but the current Venus transit as such will not be able to give the results which the natives deserve. Although this is yogakaraka position for Capricornian natives and there may be projections of very goood results but it may not realise the same.

Due to the above, natives may be more conscious with respect to work and may get more good chances. There may be more travel for natives and such travel may be worth rewarding and fulfill natives promises.

On the career front, natives may be going for long distance travel with respect to their jobs. Such travels may be beneficial for natives and give natives satisfaction. Natives may be getting good chances for new job oppurtinites also and will fetch them immense satisfaction and returns. Natives may be getting promotion chances also during this transit movement and such chances may be fetching natives high satisfaction and the reason to be cheerful.

If natives are in business, then natives may be able to secure good returns and sound profits due to natives style of functioning and operations. Natives may put up a good fight with natives competitors with respect to natives business and due to this, natives may be in a position to earn good profits. There may also be chances for new business openings that natives may be able to get into and such openings may be giving natives satisfaction.

On the money front, natives may be gaining more and this may also be possible due to the good luck factor that may be present during this course of time and luck is the main factor which is mainly responsible for getting more and amassing.Natives may also be in a position to save and retain.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain closeness and sweetness with natives life partner. By adopting the above, -natives may be able to keep more bonding and a unique approach. The above natives may be able to maintain due to good understanding with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may be able to keep more robust health during this transit. There may not be more health problems for natives and only small health problems like stomach pain and digestion problems.

Remedy:Pray God Hanumanji and chant hanuman chalisa.


For the Aquarius natives, the transit is of their best friend Venus. This transit will be signifying events related to mother, success, father, guru money, job and success in all endeavours. Acquarian natives will be having a times of being with self as Saturn in this house and the natives will get good results during the transit of Venus.

Acquarian may have some issues with prosperity and confidence levels. Further, natives may need to spend more for the health of natives father. There may also be problems related to eyes for natives during this course of time.

On the career front, natives may be facing some obstacles with respect to natives work and more job pressure. Natives may be facing more problems from superiors and colleagues during this course of time and such problems may be creating less satisfaction and may be prompting natives to change jobs for better prospects.

If natives are in business, then this movement may not give good success and sound profits that natives may be expecting during this course of time. For this, natives may need to plan a lot and adopt new business strategies that may give natives success and good returns. Natives may also be facing more competition from natives competitors. So, natives need to adapt to the prevailing situations and win over.

On the money front, natives may be securing less money and if natives have lofty expectations for earning quick money during this transit, then this may not be a good period to gain. Also, even if natives gain better, natives may not be able to save.

On the relationship front, natives may be facing disputes in family and issues which may be giving natives more worries. Due to such disputes, natives may need to adjust with natives’ life partner to make things better and cordial. It may be essential for natives to resort to adjustment and by adopting so natives will be able to see better satisfaction in a relationship.

On the health front, natives may not be able to keep fitness. Natives may be facing eye related problems and digestion related problems.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ramraksha Stotram


Pisces natives this is the place of highest form of luxuries, travel, expenditures, bed pleasures, comforts and this transit of Venus for Pisces natives, will be an important one as Venus transit in Virgo is of debilitated state and the Pisces is a sign of exaltation of Venus. Results will be mixed ones, giving comforts, pleases, expenses, travel, nearness to opposite sex, more of relationships and duality of character.

Pisces natives may be facing mixed results during this transit. There may be issues and conflicts with natives’ friends and dear ones. Due to such problems natives may lose satisfaction and may not be in a position to take suitable decisions that may be promoting natives interests. Natives may be facing relationship problems during this transit.

On the career front, natives may be facing various obstacles with respect to work and lack of satisfaction. Natives may also have relationship problems with natives’ superiors and colleagues. All these problems may lower down natives progress with respect to work. So, natives may need to work out with respect to this and emerge successful.

If natives are in business, then natives may not be able to gain higher profits with respect to the same. Natives may be facing more threats from natives’ competitors which may bring down prosperity in natives business. If natives are having more expectations of earning huge money, then Venus Transit in Virgo may not be sufficient enough to fulfil natives’ business dealings and fetch natives more profits.

On the money front, natives may be facing the situation of loss and sometimes it may be of sudden nature. Such loss may be disappointing. Natives may be left with less savings. Sometimes there may be chances for gaining money via inheritance. But despite this, money that natives are earning during this transit might not give natives more satisfaction.

On the relationship front, natives may not be deriving happiness with natives’ life partner and natives may be having arguments with natives life partner due to lack of understanding. Understanding is essential to keep harmony in a relationship. So, natives need to in unison to stick to goodness and wellbeing with natives’ partner and thereby ensure love.

On the health front, natives may be having digestion related problems, eye irritations. Natives may also be prone to pain in legs and irritations in skin.

Remedy:Pray lord Vishnu and chant Vishnusahsaranam.

These are general predications for detailed predictions and specific remedies please contact the wirter Astro Bhanu at AstroYogi.

Venus Transit in Sagittarius 2024

The transit of Venus from Scorpio to Sagittarius takes place on January 18, 2024 at 08:56 hours and will stay upto February 12, 2024 04:52 hours. Venus rules the 6th and 11th houses from Sagittarius. Venus will be transiting in the stars Moola, Purvashada, and Uttarashada - 1st pada. The transit begins with moon Jupiter in Aries, Ketu in 6th and Rahu in 12th, Mars, Mercury, Venus, in 9th house, Sun in its post Uttarayan in 10th house in Capricorn and Saturn in its sojourn in 12th house Acquarius. The Jupiter aspecting 9th house on the conjunction of Mars Venus and Mercury which are also the 6th and 8th lord thereby giving an Arishta yoga. Saturn and Sun forming Veshi yogas being the 2nd from Sun. Rahu Ketu in its sojourn of 18 months in Pisces and Virgo.

Venus the planet of love representing feminine and beauty, along with all kinds of pleasures. A strong Venus creates artistic appreciation and strong, lasting marriages. This is significator of wealth, happiness, money and luxuries in life. When it is weak it leads to problems with relationships wealth and happiness. Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter and Venus share a close relationship in Vedic astrology. Where Jupiter is the Guru to the Gods, Venus is considered the teacher of the ‘Asuras’ or the demons. Venus transit in Sagittarius can sometimes bring a challenging time for the natives, especially on the personal front in matters of love and relationships.

The current article will discuss on the predictions of Venus transit in Virgo on all constellations.


Dear Arians, the month is good for you venus is in 9th house from your sign. The transit will give you enough opportunities and success, opportune time for learining, there will be plenty of business travel and you will develop a harmonious relationships. A oppurtune time for performing any auspicious ceremony. Success in all endeavours with good valour and courage. Success in business and new ventures. Explore more on the media and digital world. Exposure in the web platform very essential for business ventures. Aries natives who want to reach a decision regarding their marriage will see positive results. This transit will be very beneficial for married people as well. Married people will get full support from their spouses. At present, students who are planning to pursue higher education will get positive results. Your bent will be more in religious works.

Remedy:Pray Goddess laxmi and offer white flowers.


Dear Geminians, natives in business will be sluggish do the remedies mentioned below. Do not start any new projects and assignments in this month. Natives who are in a love relationship have every possibility of getting married. Long-distance journey will have to be undertaken mostly with spouse and family. There can be event exploding in this month which was hidden for a long time. Natives in creative works will do well in their fields. Professionals will have a good time.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh and offer green grass garika.


Dear Cancerians transit of Venus is moderate for Cancerians. Mother’s health might be matter of concern. During the transit of Venus, there may be some conflict in the family regarding something that will affect the health of your mother. Blinds trust is not advised as friends will turn into foes. A travel with family to a waterland holiday resort is possible. A holy trip down the religious site is always there in this transit.

Remedy:Pray Goddess Parvati and red flowers.


Dear Leo natives, the transit of venus is favourable and businessmen will have success in all their ventures. The transit is in your friends house and your plans in business will be successful. Work in a intelligent manner you will get success. Your children will do good. The period is going to be very good for the people of this zodiac who are in a love relationship. He will spend pleasant moments with his near and dear ones. Married people can get the happiness of children. If seen, this transit is going to be very good for you.

Remedy:Pray God Vishnu and offer flowers of marigold.


Dear Virgo natives the transit of Venus for the natives of Virgo will make their household life happy. For businessmen and professionals the time is good and will bring new projects and openings. During this time your relationship with your mother is going to be very strong. During this period, you can organize any spiritual program like Satyanarayan Katha, etc. at your home. During this, a lot of your money can also be spent. You may spend money on buying some luxury items for your home.

Remedy:Pray Goddess Durga devi and offer red flowers.


Dear Librians, Venus will prove fruitful for people associated with writing and literature. For businessmen and professionals the time will deal in documentation and legalities. During this time your writing skills, communication, and creative works will increase, which will definitely benefit you. During this time you can plan to go on a trip with your siblings. During this time you will have to take more care of the health of your younger siblings. Take full care of your health.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Santoshi mata and offer yellow flowers.


Dear Scorpians the transit of Venus, the speech of the natives of the Scorpio zodiac will be very sweet. During this time you will be more inclined towards your family. In this transit you can have a good time with your loved ones. During this time, you will be likely to get financial benefits from abroad as well. This time is also going to be very good for you in terms of investing money. If you are planning to invest then you will get positive results in that.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Gayatri mata and offer white flowers.


Sagittarius natives will have good revenue in this month their finances will improve. The effect of Venus transit can be seen in the health of Sagittarius people. You may buy gold or any ornamental items in this month. Sagittarius natives will improve your personality by good wear and style of living. During this time, you will meet more people. Along with this, there will be many influential people around you.

Remedy: Pray God Laxminarsimha swamy and offer rose flowers.


Capricorn natives dealing in business of foreign exchange and international trade and working in multinational companies will see positive results in their careers during Venus transit. During this, you can also go on a foreign trip for your business work. This journey will prove beneficial for you. Those who are in a love relationship, during this time will need to be a little careful as there can be misunderstandings in your relationships. You are advised not to spend much money during this time.

Remedy: Pray Goddess laxmi and offer blue flowers.


Acquarius natives dealing in business will have to put extra effort as the times are ones where your Saturn is in this sign things will be tough and will require additional hardwork. The transit of venus is beneficial and will give good profits. During this time, all your wishes will be fulfilled. Not only this, during this time your reputation in society will increase. Those who are involved in love affairs, their relationship will be stronger than before. During this time your love and mutual understanding will increase. Transit in Sagittarius will prove to be very fruitful.

Remedy: Pray Goddess laxmi and offer white flowers.


Dear Pisceans the transit of venus is going to be favourable for businessmen and also for professionals specially those involved in consultations. During this time you will be more creative in your work. Not only this, you will present your work in a very good way. During this time there can be some sudden change in your professional life. This transit will prove beneficial for those who are in the research field.

Remedy: Pray God Vishnu and offer white flowers.

These are general predications for detailed predictions and specific remedies please contact the wirter Astro Bhanu at AstroYogi.

Sun’s Transit in Scorpio

The King in the Commanders camp. Hello Scorpians good times are here boost your energies, the Sun is here to stay with Mars, the Royal status gains more strength. The Sun, the ruler, transits the zodiac sign Scorpio, from November 17, 2023 to December 16, 2023. The Sun enters Scorpio on 17th November 2023 at 1:07 hours IST, the eighth sign of the zodiac system. The king will be staying here for 30 days. Scorpio is a static and watery sign. Scorpio natives are special for their aggression, mystical personality, transcendental drive, passion, depth and are highly self-conscious.

Impact of Sun’s transit in Scorpio from each Zodiac signs(Sun sign).


For Aries natives, Sun is transitting the eight house of sudden happenings, secrecy, more of occult, healings and more of energy and high spirits. There can be some health issues of heart, bones. Arians to take care of their health and maintain their immuinity. Children and expecting mothers to be careful during the month. Incidents of fire, accidents may take place. Take care of your reputation lest fail to receive insults. The month is good for finances.

Love birds will be more of secretive and hidden love will be more romantic. Hidden love may get exposed.

Remedies : Offer sindoor and chola to hunmanji and give jaggery or sweet made of jagerry to Lord Hanumanji.

Lucky dates : 1,9,10,18, 19, 27,28,

Colours : Red, Orange, Maroon.

Mantra : Om Dhim Shrim Laxmi Narayana Namah


For Taurus the Sun is transitting in seventh house of relationships, romance, marriage and partnership. This means an addition to family and your personal life you will no more be a lonely person you will have a partner. Also issues of marital discord may also escalate be careful take care of relationships and spouse. Be loving and caring with your partners. For business it is a good time leave egos and focus on business and work you will get great success. Taurians in positions of power will be more authoritative and also at times harsh. Taurians to take care of diet and adaptable life styles.

Bachelors and eligible taurians will get their partners into a relationship. Time to nurture the relationship

Remedy:Meditate and recite Gayatri mantra and offer white flowers to goddess.

Lucky dates : 1,2, 10,18, 19, 27,28, 1,2,10,11,19,20,28,29.

Colours : Bright colours and fluorescent pink, bright white.

Mantra : Om Gopaly Uttardvajaya Namah.


For Gemini natives the Sun is transitting in sixth the house of disease, debts, and short travels. This transit of Sun during the month will have mixed results that of success for students preparing for competitive exams for government jobs and some of natives shall see win in litigations. Natives working in international companies will be benefited by success in projects and assignments.

Bachelors and young ones who are having multiple relations may face some hardships and will see some issues in relationships.

Remedies : Do help needy for medical issues. Donate some things in hospitals. Give respect to your maternal uncles. Take care of health of partners.

Lucky dates : 1,3,10, 12,19,21,28,30.

Colours : Light green colours and orange colours.

Mantra : Om Klim Krishnai Namah


Cancer natives the Sun is transitting in the fifth house, of education, love, children, and also majorly for Prarabhda karma. This month is very favourable for Cancerians, for expansion of family, having children, success and receiving good studies, in the field of arts and medical sciences. Good break in career for many cancerians. The transit gives special strength for innovations and discoveries. Parents will enjoy the company of their children. Gemini natives involved in speculation and share market with have a good gain.

Youngsters will have new relationships and love with blossom for future recourses in relations. Good times for love birds.

Remedies : Do pray lord Shiva and offer some water to Shiv ling. Pray lord Chandramouleswar.

Lucky dates : 1,4,10, 13, 19,22,30.

Colours : Milky, white, offwhite.

Mantra : Om Hrim Hrinyagarbhaya Avyaktrupine Namah.


Leo natives the Sun is transitting fourth house of mother love primary education, land and vehicles. The fourth house is more of mothers lap which is the most safest and called sukha sthana. Natives will get in close with their mother. Natives living far off from family should meet their mother and serve her. Natives planning to buy property may succeed during the month. This transit is special for leo natives as this his most friendly sign. Take care of relations with wife don’t allow it is spill over any modest reason which may hurt your partner. The transit is good for artists of any field who are Leo natives. The period is good for Leo natives in the businesses and in real estate especially sale of flats will increase during this period. Natives may go for good lavish dinners and parties and some also will enjoy home made foods.

Youngsters into relationship will have good time will go for parties candle light dinners and will nurture their relationships.

Remedies : Do pray lord Ram and offer some water to Surya in the mornings with jaggery and red flower petals mixed in it. Pray isht deva of your family, chant Aditya Stotra.

Lucky dates : 1,5,10,14, 19,23.

Colours : Red, sindoor, orange.

Mantra : Om Brahmane Jagadadaharaya namah.


For Virgo natives Sun will be transitting the third house of courage, siblings, communication, writings and will power. This give you confidence and for those who are involved in writing work they will have good results in writing and editing jobs. Bankers, media, finance and commerce will have good growth during this period. Also natives involved in foreign trade and currency exchange business will have good time. Sun will be aspecting your nineth house during this period you will have good relations with father and your mentors and gurus.

Youngsters into relationship will gain strong will and confidence but should take care of their communications. Chances of meeting and building up relationship with strangers and unknown persons are great during this period.

Remedies : Do pray Shri Ganesha and seek his blessings and read the Atharvashersha path.

Lucky dates : 1,5,6,10,15, 19,24.

Colours : Green light green

Mantra : Om Brahmane Jagadadaharaya namah


For Libra natives the Sun is transitting the second house of family, kutumbh sthana, savings desires, social networking, in-laws, chacha and paternal family and all accumulations. Natives wil accumulate money, make more investments and may find their savings and investments increasing in this transit. For business people good times for cash inflows. For student this is time of accumulating their knowledge and people in talents of art music dance will accumulate their talents. This is also the Sanchita karma for libra natives. Natives interested in occult sciences will learn new areas and will increase and tune their knowledge.

For Youngsters in relationship the time is pretty good new romances will blossom.

Remedies : Do pray Mata Lakshmi on Fridays read the Lakshmi stotra.

Lucky dates : 1,,7,10,16, 19,25.

Colours : white colours and bright colours

Mantra : Om Pim Pitambaraya namah.


For Scorpio natives the Sun is transitting in your first house which is your own self, atma karaka, your personality, the purpose of your life. New opportunities in your profession will open up giving growth and upward progress. Your relations with your bosses, will improve will improve during this period. You will get good support from them. Your status in life will improve and you will receive more respect from people at all stages. Avoid conflicts and heated discussions at work areas. Good time for investments.

For youngsters in relationships you will be possessive and shall control your partner. A word of caution don’t overdo any thing.

Remedies : Pray lord hanumanji chant hanuman chalisa.

Lucky dates : 6, 8, 15,17,24, 26.

Colours : Maroon. Black.

Mantra : Om Naraynaya Suryasinghaya Namah.


For Sagittarius natives the sun is in twelfth 12th house which is for moksha, foreign land, hospitalisation, arrest and in present times it is a big indicator of isolation. Be careful on governmental commitment pay your taxes on time and file your returns and fulfil all sovereign obligations. Your advise will be required by many do oblige people with your expertise. Take care of heath and consult your medical professionals. Those having chronic issues specially of blood, liver, kidney to be more careful during the month. Rest the month will be fair enough for Sagittarius natives. Sagittarius natives paying respect to their parents and gurus, mentors will receive good vibrations and cosmic protection.

For youngsters in relations the month is special with a advise that do spend money on travel go our with your partners for long drives and long distance travels on mountains that will build your relationships and keep it strong. A new responsibility may be take or given to you in tis transit.

Remedies : Pray lord Krishna chant Krishna mantras.

Lucky dates : 1, 3, 9,10,12,18,21,27,30.

Colours : pale Yellow, pink, golden brown.

Mantra : Om Shrim Vatsalya Namah.


For Capricorn natives the Sun is transitting in eleventh house significating the financial gains, desires, incomes, paternal uncle, elder siblings, This transit will be special for Capricorn as you get support from your elder siblings. Your work area will get beter during this transit. You will receive good support from your bosses and employers. Some old friend of yours may give a call and there may be many reunions. Your bosses will give an appreciation. Take care of elder siblings pay respects to them. Take care of your uric acid levels. Inflammations skin diseases.

For youngsters in relationships you will fulfil many of your desires of relations, travel will be there. There will be good gains in relationships. Serve a cow and feed some grassy leaves.

Remedies : Pray Goddess sarswati and chant Lakshmi strotam.

Lucky dates : 1, 10,19, 28.

Colours : Black maroon.

Mantra : Om Shrim Vatsalya Namah.


For Aquarius natives the Sun is transitting the tenth house which is the house of karma profession name fame and career. This transit of Sun in aquarius is very favourble for aquarians bringing jobs for unemployed ones and new job change in job business and this also will be favourable time for promotion, increments in occupations. Aquarians will get boost in their leadership and more strength. This is a sign from where the Saturn the karaka for hard work will raise the luxury, relationships and financial aspects in life. Take care of your spouse and partners.

For youngsters in relationship will have a very good time will enjoy the pleasures of life and will get closer to their partners.

Remedies : Keep a earthen pot filled with water with some rose petal in the pot and keep in your room that will pacify your emotions and thoughts.

Lucky dates : 2,11,20, 29.

Colours : black, dark maroon.

Mantra : Om Shri Upendraya Acchyutaya Namah.


For Pisceans this is last sign of the constellations and the Sun is transitting the nineth house the bhagya sthana and the house of dharam, gurus, travel, spirituality, piligrimage. Higher education is also one of the major signifactors of this house. Pisceans can have discussions on granthas going to sansatang programmes, doing satsang, going for pilgrimage. Pisceans will receive good support from their father’s, elder brothers and also friends.Pisceans already having health concerns to be more carful as tis also affect theirs health and natives having chronic issues to be carful.

For youngsters in relationships luck will be on your side and luck lady will smile in your way.

Remedies : Feed some fishes and give life to fishes by flowing them in rivers.

Lucky dates : 3,12,21,30.

Colours : Kesari , Yellow.

Mantra : Om Klim Uddhritaya Uddharine Namah.

Revised Venus Transit In Virgo

Venus the planet of love being feminine and beauty, along with all kinds of pleasures. The morning star and in the west as evening star. The transit of Venus is from November 3, 2023 at 05:49 hours and will stay in Virgo till November 30, 2023 00:49 hours

Venus as we all know is the significator for love, beauty and entertainment, and so Venus gains prominence in one’s life. When Venus goes weaker, then there may be lack of happiness, lack of bonding among the natives.


For Aries natives the lord of romance and luxury Venus transit is not in good position to allow natives to make wise decisions regarding natives life which may promote natives interest.

On the career front, opportunites will be missing, natives may be meeting with more problems in the form of obstacles and work pressure which may be detrimental to natives interests in promoting natives self with respect to natives career.

Natives doing business and partnerships may bring less profits and there may be losses.

Financila front may not be comfortable.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, things will be problematic there will be more of health issues, doubts, fights and quarrels and also misunderstandings.

On the health front, during this transit, natives may be prone indigestion and eye flue.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Haunamanji seek for good relations and finances. Chant hanuman chalisa.


It is not a good transit for Taurus natives and is devoid of comforts, relations, success will be less and health issues.

On the business front during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives could be facing both profits and loss which natives might not be able to manage easily.

On the financial front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, forced lending will be done.

On the relationship front, during this transit, relationship problems may exist for natives with natives life partner and this may be possible due to lack of adjustments that may be prevailing within natives.

On the health front, natives may be subjected to pain in eyes, throat infections etc.

Remedy:Pray God Kartikeya and chant Sree Kartikeya Stotram.


For the Gemini natives, the transit Venus is significator of the relations, career, work, innovations, travel sleep expenditure and pleasures. Spirituality shall increase.

On the career front, natives may be able to derive all benefits during this course of time which may give natives full satisfaction. New job, promotion is not ruled out.

On the business front, new orders and profits are main concern.

On the financial front, during this month, natives will meet with some expenses and good money gains.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit in Virgo natives may be facing some better closeness with natives family members and natives life partner and in turn natives may be in a good position to build up a better relationship and good values.

On the health front, natives will be able to keep fine health and gain comforts due to briskness and energy that natives will be able to keep during this time.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharvasheesh path.


For the Cancer natives, Venus in this transit will be significator of comforts, mother, warmth, gains and fulfilments of desires.

There may be chances for more travel for natives and some may be put to change of place with respect to their career.

On the career front, there may be more benefits possible for natives during Venus Transit in Virgo and good recognition for the skills that natives are showing.

If natives are in business, higher profits can be achieved in business. Stiff competition with gains.

On the money front, during Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be facing more money gains.

On the relationship side, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner.

During Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be possessing better health and this may be due to enthusiasm and energy left within.

Remedy:Pray God Chandramouleeswaran and chant Shiv Panchakshari Stotram.


For the Leo natives, Venus is the significator of valour, confidence, communication, hard work and karma.

During this transit, natives may be facing difficulties in natives career front. Issues with superiors.

Some changes in job and in their workplace may be a change of place is also shown.

For natives in business, this Transit might not bring high profits though natives losses may tend to reduce and sometimes natives may be facing even loss which may make natives feel bad. Disappointments can be experienced.

During this period, natives may be facing loss of money while traveling and this may be arising due to negligence.

Natives may also lose money by lending to friends and such money may not come back to natives.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain charmless in a relationship with natives life partner.

Indigestion, throat issues and sleep disporder.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ram Raksha Stotra for karya siddhi and good health


For the Virgo natives, Venus will be significator of family, money, cash flow, luck life, fortune and success in all endeavours.

For working class and employees it will be a period of desire fulfilment of career and professions.

For natives in business the transit will give a high level of profits and natives may get chances for securing further new business contacts and setting a good example with natives competitors.

On the financial front, natives may be able to earn good money and save also.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain cordial relationships with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems and generally natives may be in a fitting condition.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharva sheesh path.


For the Libra natives, Venus is the significator of secret things and expenditures, hospitalisation, travel and some events of litigation issues.

Librans in their the career will witness frequent changes and shifts of jobs.

For business natives, then this movement may bring moderate success in business and enable natives to earn a low level of profits.

On the financial side, natives may be getting less money from natives job.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain a relationship in a more friendly manner with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems that may be creating high troubles for natives.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Ganesh gayatri Mantra.


For the Scorpio natives, the transit of Venus is significator of relationships, spouse, business partner, success, pleasures, travel, diseases.

On the career front, Scorpion natives may be facing good results with respect to natives career.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring good success in business in terms of luck, profits etc.

On the money front, natives may be getting good money out of the efforts that natives create.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may be having good health due to a balanced diet.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Hanuman and chant Hanuman Chalise.


For the Sagittarius natives, Venus transit is significator of disease, debts, enemies and the urge to fulfil desires and have gains.

Due to the above facts, there may be good luck shining with natives and due to this, natives may be able to gain high fortunes and money.

On the career front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be gaining satisfaction in natives job or natives may be getting new abroad job chances that may fulfil natives desires.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring particularly good success in business in terms of profit.

On the money front, during this transit, natives may be getting high money and at times, suddenly unexpected increase in money.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner.

Sagittarius natives will have sound health and will have good enthusiasm and energy levels present in natives.

Remedy:Pray Go Shiva linga and perform rudra abhishek.


For the Capricorn natives, venus is the best friend and darling but the current Venus transit as such will not be able to give the results which the natives deserve.

Due to the above, natives may be more conscious with respect to work and may get more good chances.

On the career front, natives may be going for long distance travel with respect to their jobs.

If natives are in business, then natives may be able to secure good returns and sound profits due to natives style of functioning and operations.

Gains in money terms is possible.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain closeness and sweetness with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may be able to keep more robust health during this transit.

Remedy:Pray God Hanumanji and chant hanuman chalisa.


For the Aquarius natives, the transit is of their best friend Venus. This transit will be signifying events related to mother, success, father, guru money, job and success in all endeavours.

Acquarian may have some issues with prosperity and confidence levels. Further, natives may need to spend more for the health of natives father.

On the career front, natives may be facing some obstacles with respect to natives work and more job pressure.

If natives are in business, then this movement may not give good success and sound profits that natives may be expecting during this course of time.

On the money front, natives may be securing less money and if natives have lofty expectations for earning quick money during this transit, then this may not be a good period to gain.

On the relationship front, natives may be facing disputes in family and issues which may be giving natives more worries. able to see better satisfaction in a relationship.

On the health front, natives may not be able to keep fitness. Natives may be facing eye related problems and digestion related problems.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ramraksha Stotram.


Pisces natives this is the place of highest form of luxuries, travel, expenditures, bed pleasures, comforts and this transit of Venus for Pisces natives.

Natives may be facing relationship problems during this transit.

On the career front, natives may be facing various obstacles with respect to work and lack of satisfaction.

If natives are in business, natives may be facing more threats from natives’ competitors which may bring down prosperity in natives business.

On the money front, natives may be facing the situation of loss and sometimes it may be of sudden nature.

On the relationship front, issues and disturbances.

On the health front, natives may be having digestion related problems, eye irritations.

Remedy:Pray lord Vishnu and chant Vishnusahsaranam

These are general predications for detailed predictions and specific remedies please contact the wirter Astro Bhanu at AstroYogi.

Rahu-the Obscurer, Transit to Pisces on October 30, 2023, from fiery constellation to watery

Rahu the shadow planet, the obscurer, the demon will transit from Aries to Pisces, Rahu will enter the sign of Pisces on 30th October 2023 at 01:33 PM (IST) and will remain in that sign till 18th May 2025. Rahu & Ketu unlike other planets will always transit in anticlockwise in the constellation cycle that is the reason that Rahu & Ketu are retrograde always. Rahu stays in one constellation for 18 months. Rahu’s transit will give sudden happening of events in Aries & Pisces moon sign natives. The transit of Rahu will give rise in materialism, web, media, online dealings, e -commerce and rise in political activity. Rahu is signifactor of elephant and all big things in life such as vehicles, house, family, functions, festival, organisations etc.

Rahu is favourable in trishdaya houses / evil houses namely third, sixth, eleventh houses from natal moon. Rahu will enter the sign of Pisces on 30th October 2023 at 01:33 PM (IST) and will remain in that sign till 18th May 2025.

Natives having moon rashi / janma rashi of Aries(means the sign where moon is situated in your Rashi chart) will get relief as Rahu will transit from firey to watery sign. Pisces and Aries Janma rashi natives to be careful during the first week of November, certain events may trigger depending upon the placements of Rahu and moon in their charts. Consult astrologers at Astroyogi for specific remedies in this regard.

Rahu : Own House : None
Rahu : Exaltation : Taurus
Rahu : Debilitation : Scorpio

Rahu transit in on Pisces and effect on Pisces

Rahu’s transition from Aries to Pisces after 18 years will be of sacrificial nature, natives will have a rise in giving donations gifts to their beloved ones. The transition will give Pisceans an increase in knowledge, hardwork single handed and shall focus on personal values than general public. Self reliance shall increase and they will develop their own intuition levels. A great deal of struggle is connected they will learn to make their connections and work together.

Remedy:Pray God Shiva and perform rudrabhishek on Mondays.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Aries

Rahu’s transit in Pisces bring in expenditure on things of enjoyments luxuries, more of long distance travel will take place, possibility of foreign long distance travel during these 18 months. Hospitalisation is one area which this transition will give on and off. Bigger sizes of bedrooms and beds is also one of the major results in this period. The transition will also give emancipation to many from life. Role of accidents and injury to foot can also happen. Any litigation issues be on guard and take all legal precautions.

Remedy:Keep your bedrooms, vehicles and office space alwars in clean condition. Pray Goddes Bagulamukhi.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Taurus

Rahu will affect the relations with elder siblings, be careful with discussions and be cordial with elder siblings and give respect and love affection to younger ones. There will be fluctuations in desires and the fulfilment of the desires. Your Incomes may fluctuate during this period.

Remedy:Chant the Rahu Mantra

Om bhram bhreem bhraum sah rahuveh namah

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Gemini

Rahu will effect the profession and may give negative impact on career with fluctuations. Though the financial aspect will be good but you will have to do multiple activity and connection with certain foreign sources will be more prominent. Trading of commodities, stocks will take more ground during this period. Don’t be emotional on matters of concerns apply mind and solve them. Chances of change of job very much on card. Those trying for new jobs will get success

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj on Wednesdays.

Mantra : Om Gam Ganadhipataye Namah

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Cancer

Rahu’s transition will take you to bigger aim and goal in life. Rahu’s transit will given admissions to students and researchers in higher educations, research institutes and give advancement in educational careers. You may have fun and travels. The educational institutes will be of big sizes of repute. Luck favours more at places away from birth place. Take care of father pay respect to fatherly figures and mentors and gurus.

There will be some events in the life of siblings of your wife. Luck will strike all of a sudden. Things will have different route and not as per planning made by you.

Remedy:Pray Lord Shiva in Chandramoulehswar form.

Donate curd and milk in temple

Rahu transit in Sagittarius effect on Leo

This is the place where Rahu gives its worst effect. Leo natives to be careful of the movement of planet Rahu in the Pisces this transit shall cause a great deal of mental tension and confusion for the natives. Additionally, your kids could cause some anxiety. Contrarily, business weather is advantageous since it is a lucky time of year for those who live in business. Natives who are in love might face challenges. However, married life will still be in poor shape. Health issues may crop up. Get your medical checkups done regularly. You may take a loan for building house. Be careful and watchful of enemies.

Remedy:Perform rudrabhishek and pour chilled water on Shiva lingam on Sundays.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Virgo

Relationship issues and marital discords are possible. Multiple relationships with opposite sex may take place and this shall lead to discord in personal life for many from November 1, 2023 onwards. These are the major ups and down in life as the transit of Rahu in Sagittarius happen. Since this is sign of Virgo which is predominantly owned by Mercury be careful of finances. There will be multiple incomes coming during this period in this time frame might be unpredictable in every way. Hence, it is advised to use caution while engaging in any financial transaction to avoid losing money. Partnerships be very careful isssues may crop up. Stock brokers, share market investment may take a dig. Health of partners may be a matter or concern.

Remedy:Donate saree and items of makeup including bangles to Goddess in temple. Chant Mercury beej Mantra regularly.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Libra

Rahu’s transit will give variety of results which will be in area of investments, savings, unearned incomes. It will give good karma if you help others financially and also accept help from others in a social cause. Your quest to unreal the secret hidden things will rise during this period. You will also gain indepth knowledge of the work in which you are dealing in. Chronic patients be careful of their health. There can be chances of accidents, hits and cuts.

Remedy:Chant durga chalisa for 43 days.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Saggitarius.

Rahu’s transit will give irritable and aggressive behaviour in this period. They may divert their energies on humanity than insulting or hurting. Remove the revengeful attitude and be benevolent. Forget and forgive. Saggitarius natives to be careful during the months of November 2023 and November 2024 which will be of high aggression and issues with employers, bosses and also with parents. You may acquire big vehicles, having high brand value, natives under age of 4 to 5 will be acquiring indepth knowledge from their mother and teachers. Grownups wishing to acquire knowledge house and may go in for acquire basic knowledge of things. Knowledge of youngsters in newer subjects will rise and will achieve grat success. Give respect to mother and meet her often.

Remedy:Pray lord Hanumanji and Chant hanuman chalisa.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Capricorn

Capricornians need to be good with their siblings give love and affection take care of them. Good rise in your will power and valour. You will get good awareness in work place and will also get presence in web media and earn a brand value. Some will attain a celebrity status. But be careful of evil eye on you and aways keep your protected from negative people.

Remedy:Chant Durga saptsati path. Pray MAA Durga.

Rahu transit in Pisces effect on Acquarius

This transit will give rise in accumulations and rise family issues. This transit signifies strange financial abilities. The individual must become capable of standing on their own feet and working with their own resources. They may find that they instinctively lean on other people for help, but they must learn to fulfil themselves. Avoid taking credit or loans as much as possible. The times is to need the family and keep the ties of family strong. Be loving to womenfolk in the family. Any legal cases be cautious and prepare the cases yourself. The transition of Rahu wants you not to rely & believe on anyone.

Remedy:Pray God Hanumanji, chant Hanuman Chalisa

For any consultations on transit effects, dasha, kala sarpa, pitru dosha contact Astro Bhanu.

Monthly Predictions of all the constellations for the month of November – 2023.

The month of November – 2023 starts with the tithi of Sankashta Chaturthi of Krishna paksha of Kartika masa / month. The month has list of festivals of Kartika mas majorly being :

November 5, 2023 : Tulsi Vivah November 13, 2023 : Laxmi puja / Diwali Kartika Amavasya November 17, 2023 : Chat pooja November 27, 2023 : Guru Parb, Guru Nank Jayanti

This is the month when all the natives will eagerly wait for major festivals and celebrations. On the financial front the share market is on the UP and bullish giving a good announcement of dividends and bonuses.

The month begins with Sun transiting in Libra since October 17 and the other planets Mercury and Mars joining Sun in Libra. Mars and Mercury in retrograde and combustion with Sun. Jupiter continues in retrograde motion in Aries till January 1, 2024. Rahu and Ketu are on the boarders of the sign Pisces and Virgo respectively and the leaving of signs Aries and Libra giving the results in as per their shadowy nature. The details of Rahu & Ketu predictions are given separately in the blogs. Venus is in Leo at the beginning of the month and arriving in Libra on November 03, 2023 and travelling the Libra sign for the entire month and then going to Scorpio on November 30. Moon with its fastest travel is in Taurus its exaltation sign at the beginning of the month and makes the entire transit witin 26 days and comes to Taurus on November 26. Saturn in Acquarias is in retrograde motion on November 01 and turn to direct motion on November 04. This is a major event awaited by many and this is relief since Saturn will regain direction motion and shall be able to give the results of the desires and gains which have been slowed down during the last 6 months.

The Astrologer gives the predictions that there will be relief to many in major areas depending on the placement of Saturn in the charts which can be mainly in pending karma of legal cases, court hearings, judgements, health, long period hospitalization, debts, gain, construction projects having issues will regain, placements. For most of the natives the month is very crucial since the long pending works will get resolved and there will be a sigh of relief but the partnership issues and relationship issues will be badly disturbed. Certain issues of blames, scandals may take place for some and there can be a gift of property, hidden money some unearned incomes. Some chances of accidents, cuts may take place.

A retrograde Mars will grant relief in the area of pending works of marriage for the eligible natives seeking marriage will be accomplished and also marriage with an old friend is predicted.

A detailed prediction for all the rashis constellations based on moon sign in given below for the benefits of all the Astroyogi Users and followers.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that Aries natives were having a tough time since the last 8 months now the time has come when their issues will be eased out and will have a good beginning in the month. Your own self you will ease and feel unburdened. Your mind will be out of tensions. The is bound to give you high aggression levels which shall create issues of disputes with your relations, friends and in new places. Natives are advised to keep restrain and calm.

On the family front you will have a coordination of things you will get adequate support form all members. There will be an addition to family.

Your relations with your partner or spouse will start with good node but after the first week there will be serious issues. Some hidden secret may be revealed due to which there will be a break in relationship or issues with your spouse.

Your health is a concern here, there can be issues related to stomach, liver, intestines, digestion gastric such alike diseases may strike you. Take care of your liver and food related issues. Beware of infections or else you may catch some infections. Health of your partner will be a major concern during this month cancerians to be more cautious.

The month gives a indication of receiving some secret money, property, some unearned incomes may fall in your accounts. People working in MNCs may get esops, shares as gift from their companies. Others may get bonuses and dividends.

Natives in business will earn money and accumulation of money in banks will be on rise. The month is very good for those expecting promotions and rise in salaries. Their employers will be pretty happy with them and grant them good results for their hard work. New jobs and promotions are on card during this month.

Arians are likely to have long travels in this month more prominently in the first week of the month. These travels will be official and personal both. These travels will be beneficial and will fetch good money and relationships for which for which the native has been looking for a long time.

The period will be good for organising functions and also celebrating functions and making celebrations natives of of Aries will go for functions and celebration family gatherings and there will be meeting of people more often during after the second week of the month. A special aspect is predicted for Arians that in this particular constellation that the natives will meet their mentors, gurus and their fathers the bonding with their fathers will increase.

This month Arians may get some finance and pending monies from sources of vendors and also repayment of old pending loans may take place.

Relationship will foster during this period and physical intimacy will grow natives will have more of time and enjoy the intimate relationship with their loved ones and the opposite sex. Married natives will usher great love and affection on their spouses.

Remedy : Pray goddess MAA Laxmi and chant laxmi Stotra


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 for Taurus natives speaks that they will enjoy as this is one of the best times to reap in the results of your hard work. Love life will give all comforts and love. Comforts are being conferred to them by destiny. Your hard work will now pay you. You may get a promotion in job. Chances of change in job are very prominent by the second week of November.

Natives who are in education field need to focus and there are chances of disconnect from studies. A new issue may develop which will make you worried and uncertainty may prevail in your heart. Just focus and be alert.

During this period your love life will blossom and you will be able to express your love and get the support and affection from your partner.

During the period of middle of the week the romance of Taurians will be at very high level. You will be enjoying good parties and outings. The second half of the month will be of the period where you will face tension of relationship issues and extra marital issues. You may face some bad name due to the relationship issues.

Natives in business will get good profits money receipts flow in with stock level going up. Gains flowing in and your will achieve the set goals. Labour issues will be resolved for Taurus native. Litigation issues will be resolved and will turn on your way.

Finances will be tuned up and rise to good levels by the end of this month. Deposits will increase and savings will rise. Those aspiring for debt and loans will get the money during this period.

There will be some health issues mainly arising out of stress levels. Aggression levels will be at high level during the first half of the month. Liver issues, digestion problems heat in the body will be prominent in many natives.

Travels will be on account of pilgrimage, visiting a holy shrine, seeking the blessings of a great saint and guru are happenings for the Taurian native during the month. A holy dip in holy river is prediction for many in this period.

There will be some get to gathering on business matters and you may attend seminars and give deliberations.

Remedy:Pray Goddess MAA Laxmi devi and feed Some food Gud Chana to Cow.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that the Geminians known for their multiple activity performers, doing many things at same time, achieving their object even with delay will have a testing time in this month. The first half will be tough but in the second half they will be able to perform as an individual without any control on them. They will achieve their desired results. The natives will have a good time with themselves and this period will be without any major issues on the career and professional areas.

Geminians in the first week shall witness some good guests coming in and enjoying some family gatherings. This can be an emotional gathering take care of family members especially the elderly women in the family.

Then can be some emotional moments when natives will face separation from their partner with whom they have been in relationships as one of them can go far off and also separate.

Students pursuing education will aggressively pursue their subjects and shall come out with flying colours. Those appearing in competitive exams will have fair success and perform well.

Health-wise the first half of the month will be good, you will have good times and celebrate in parties, however the second half of the month forsees some issues of heat, stomach related issues, some natives are likely to encounter sever head related issues of migraine, cervical issues. Natives are advised to be careful and not to stress out themselves.

Geminians prefer to travel and go for various activities of entertainment with friends and relatives. The month will give good opportunities and they will enjoy with their friends.

Remedy:Pray Bhagwan Ganesh Maharaj and offer dhurva on wednesdays. Chant ganesh mantra.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that the cancer natives are one of the fastest moving, emotional, sensitive and family oriented people. The month has good events going around for them. They will focus on themselves more in the mid of first week and shall try to reconstruct themselves. With siblings they will have good times and will take care of them. Cancerians are on the look out for support from others always.

If Cancerians will pay more focus on family especially the women folk, older ladies. They must take out their family and buy good gifts for them. The natives should give support then their insecurity will ward off. Some of the natives will have separation from their family and especially the senior male members.

Those in relationship should avoid emotionality or else they will be blamed by partners for things which may not be under their control. The end of the month may see some Relationships cross the lines and may reach for support to others outside the existing relationships.

Cancer natives engaged in jobs will continue with things in a better way since the hindrance will be out and there will be peaceful atmosphere for work. Some of the natives will have the blessings of their employers and mentors. There is a possibility of promotion and change of jobs. Natives wanting to change jobs and pending for a long time will see the things taking up shape and they will get success in jobs.

Cancer natives in business will do good and will find the month shaping up well for them and their business will have some good inputs and the show will go well for them.

Finances will be good as more money will be received and lady luck will smile on them. Cash flow will be good and receipts will rise.

Cancerians are fond of travel and more so for romantic trips. But this month there will be trip to holy shrine and they will seek the blessings of their diety of God or Godess.

Remedy:Cancerians may go for Shri Vishnu temple and offer some good white flowers to diety.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that Venus in Leo, the deer in lion’s den. For leo natives the month is of more interaction with siblings and closer relations with siblings and bondage of spirituality in family, the relations with partners, spouse will be strained as leons seldom allow the partners to have freedom. However, there will be some blame on leo natives in this month natives to be careful of their activities. Level of spirituality will increase. Activities in profession and business will move fast during the month. There will be some issue of sickness of one of family member who may be hospitalised. Siblings bent to family will be more which will make the atmosphere more emotional and family will have good relations.

The dominative attitude of leons will suffer this will be mended by involvement of siblings who would clear the air and bring aminosity in the family. Relationships may not be so good as the leons will have lower profile in the first half of the month and shall be regaining its qualities of vitality, creativity and egocenterism in the second half of the month.

The prediction for work area jobs or business is that it will be just adequate there will be slowness, hindrance and bottlenecks in areas of work, job and business is predicted. Some hidden money, unearned incomes and hidden gains are predicted.

The predictions for the Leo natives are being highlighted on an aspect of controversies during this month by Leo natives to refuse to participate in important negotiations, even attending entertainment events can turn into problems. The Leo horoscope promises that seclusion will not last long. Soon the mood will change, the glass will become half full again. You just need to get through this moment. Since Venus in Virgo stands for thrift, even small purchases will be successful.

The middle of the month will depend on the location of the authorities. There comes a moment when everything falls into place. The general Leo predictions for November 2023 promises participation in profitable projects. However, the path to success will take some time, and friction with the leadership is not ruled out. It is important not to lose heart and believe in your star, the finish line is already very close. Due to the fact that under Mercury in Sagittarius irrational thinking prevails, Leo perceives reality in a slightly distorted form. The desire to exaggerate both joys and misfortunes can lead to problems. Instead of wasting time on fantasies, it is better to do something socially significant, this will help strengthen your position in society.

The calm end of November will put an end to controversial issues. The situation will stabilize, conflicts will remain in the past, which will positively affect the mood. According to the November gochar for Leo, life is a big adventure. Self-confidence will appear, a crowd of like-minded people will gather around, so all adversity is on the shoulder. Since Mars in Scorpio encourages risk taking, a life without thrills loses its meaning.

In pursuit of pleasure, Leons can lose touch with reality, which will primarily affect health. In an effort to look spectacular, we must not forget that clothing should protect against bad weather. Hypothermia will start a chain of chronic diseases.

Remedy:Pray God Shri Shani dev on Saturdays and give food to poor and homeless.


The Virgo chart for November 2023 has a spirituality and disconnect in its soul a helming of people in family and then the main heads of family going their own way for fighting a cause. Personal life going for a toss where uncertainty prevails, the house of hidden secrets is on way to reveal everything. Largely some part is taken for care of a female element thereby prediction that there shall be a female of family who would need care and attention.

The Virgo horoscope for November 2023 portends good luck in love. True, the path to happiness is not easy. It must be remembered that a successful outcome depends on personal determination. If the feeling is real, it will be possible to defend it. During this month, every little thing unsettles, even the calm Virgo is prone to bursts of aggression. You need to show interest in what is happening. Once the full moon or the Poornima comes after the November 27 progress is predicted.

The beginning of the month will be good for natives with new discoveries and pleasant meetings. However as the month progress there will be more focus on work and your will power and courage will rise. You will focus on work and achieve recognition. Your colleagues will assist and seniors will support and mentor.

You will meet new people and you will naturally jell with them and your communication will be good and effective. You will build a trust with new acquantances. The Astrologer guides you to be nice, communicative which shall benefit you in future.

Business will go good and new projects will be undertaken. New assignments will be given to people in jobs. Those who are in independent positions either in business or in jobs will get big assignments or projects. Such assignment will have the issues of systematic issues of starting the projects. It is predicted that such works which you will be receiving may have hindrance but just keep going with them and success lies in your perseverance. A major decision will be taken by you.

Finances will be comfortable you will have good balances may go for a debt or a loan for business purpose. Some major decisions on pending investments will be taken during this period Health might be a matter of concern take care of your back pain or any skin issues. Donot be lazy in life be active.

Travels of short distance for meeting your dear and near ones and may be for attending a happy ceremony.

Remedy:Offer some green leaves like basil / tulsi in temple to Bhagwan Shri Ganesh Maharaj ji on Wednesdays.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that for Libra natives the month is wonderful you are having the intelligence valour and energy in hour own self and your desires and valour are interchanging with your energy levels. The beginning of the month will be good times to take decisions and reap the benefits in future. People will recognise you and appreciate you. The later part of the month indicates that your energy will go for comforts and enjoyments after the first half of the month. The prediction is that you must restrain your communication. Be cordial and communicate in sweet manner. Don’t be verbal and donot ever use any strong words. Chances are bright that with Sun and Mars in third house the natives of this constellation will go all out verbally to hit anyone.

You will have good time with your family. The beginning of the month will be good but the prediction goes that after the second half there might be issues due to your communication levels. Don’t be impatient, keep restrain on your tounge and be polite. Don’t reveal your secrets to others.

Don’t be impatient try to restrain yourself. Donot reveal your secrets.

You will Earn money build resources, money comes during this month and there will be great rise in status. You may think of acquiring a new property start a new venture of residence.

Health may be affected take care of your health you may fall ill stomach infections, throat infections are likely to happen. Also there is possibility of your spouse falling ill during this month take care of her health.

A travel to a pilgrim near a mountain is possible those who are are devoted to Goddess Durga will visit their temples on mountains in this month.

Remedy:Pray Goddess Durga and read the Durga Stuti daily.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 the fixed watery sign Scorpio, natives will have a time of heavy expenditure, someone hospitalized, a bad name, business travel, in the second half it is full of courage and energy just like a conquerer. There can be a purchase a land deal, good business, issues of health to mother, a dull atmosphere at home, some absence of respect in some places, people working under you may betray, good companionship, money flowing in, happiness and comfort in life with some struggle.

Scorpians to be careful during the month they will have face some issues of bad name, issues with eyesight and hair fall. Opportunities will be good enough for purchase of land acquiring a property but do get it registered and pay the governmental obligations on time. There are chances of government penalty for some natives.

In work area some workers may betray and even steal some money be careful. Higher authorities will not be favorable to you this month keep them in good spirits. You will get good partners in business and new projects may start, you may sign up new assignments, natives in job will be given new work and more of burden of work.

For Students and scholars the period is of hardwork and dedication. You must focus on your studies and pay respect to your teachers er else some natives may get a bad name.

Earnings and finance will be good money is coming in and balances in bank accounts will increasing, however there will be lot expenditure on status, health of parents, and extravagant expenditures. Natives are advised to reduce the expenditure of extravagant nature.

Love life is good, new relationship will come across and you will build a good bond. Many natives will build relationships in work areas. The relationships will be more prominent in end of first week.

Travel is on card and more foreign travel which will be fruitful and more business to flow in. Such travels will also bring in new relationships with opposite sex.

Natives will join the celebrations of occasions at friends place and will have a good time. The Astrologer cautions the Scorpio natives to be carful of communications, speak sweet and donot get into any arguments and not to be critical of any matter. There is all the possibility of getting a blame, a stigma in your respect if precaution not taken.

Remedy:Pray Bahubali Shri Hanumanji and chant Hanuman Chalisa.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that for Sagittarius natives the month is giving some very good results in the areas of work, communication, siblings, friends, new opportunities, any innovations, new assignments, work recognition, rewards, on luck side many new opportunities will open, there will be gain in the first half of the month, your desires will be fulfilled, the second half will be of high aggressive expenditure for status, name and also for hospitals, and some amount of pleasures.

On the family front there may be some unpleasant things from your children which may just bring you down, but your spouse will be cooperative. Parents and older people will rely on you for support do give them the necessary support. The relations will have to build up properly and its time for you to maintain the courage of your children. Your sibllings will be good but just for their health which might cause a worry for you.

On relationship front you will build a good relationship with your partner and new relationship are also formed. This will be beginning for you in relationship do cherish and maintain the romance.

Natives in jobs will do very good they will get a reward and due recognition in this month. A change in job for many is not ruled out. Your authorities will be good to you and usher their blessings on you. Your subordinates will be cooperative and will assist and obey you in all your orders.

On the business side great time good opportunity for Sagittarius they will good money for their hard work and get recognition in their trades. Great time for consultants and advisors they will have a good revenue and name in the market and they will solidify their goodwill and prevail for longer times.

Finances front is good revenues coming in and cash flow is on the rise for the Sagittarius natives. The second half is a time when their expenditures will rise and go sky rocketing, do control that.

Travels are there long dike the distance travels and business travels which will bring new and growth. Keep your communications in controlled manner and observe the words before you speak as the second half may bring some issue of respect.

Remedy:Pray God Ram and chant vishnusahsranam.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 the Capricorn natives have a superb month ahead all they need is determination, drive, discipline, good communication and simplicity. Outstanding performance by some professionals, long travels, issue of parents, knowledge, skill sets, enemy, work balance, weak business no new business, profits coming in, avoid insults, success in job, promotion, controversy of old issue, change of job, change of residence, maid can leave, employee can leave, worker can leave.

On the family front there will not be much of peace great happiness. Health of parents will be a matter of concern. Health of partner, spouse will be a concern. Take care of family build a good atmosphere at home and maintain peace, donot argue on small matters, donot insult. Take care of health of parents they may require treatment and attention. Partner’s health will be concerning do seek a physician for any issue. Health of spouse will be a concern give time for it and heal her. Mother will give an advise do take it and follow.

Relationships will be good more of romance in relationships is being predicted.

On professional front things look good if you follow determination, drive, discipline maintain good communication and be simple and donot flout with your ego and become egocentric then believe me this is my prediction you will be suitable rewarded for your work by Saturn. Any amount of deviation from the basics of life and karma as explained by me here will result in untiring hard period.

On the job front be good with your superiors and pay regard to your employer it will be suitably rewarded and all likely you will get a promotion news soon. If you are looking for a job change it is on card even a change in place and residence is always possible in this month. These are the times when you will work without anyone’s support and become self made.

There are possibility of getting a blame very much for things of past. Your enemies are up and ready to put it on you. An advise donot fight with anyone and donot build enemies.

Business will not be as favourable for Capricorn natives since the odd planets out over there who will be egoist and may insult you to provoke you. Be careful and donot get provoked.

Remedy:Pray Hanumanji on Tuesdays & Saturdays and donate oil and black sesame in temple or to any poor.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 for Acquarius natives is very positive industrious bright and energetic. The planet are conferring status, honour, work, respect, travel, achievements earnings, expenditure, spirituality, leadership, relationships, companions and hardwork.

The month is bright for you as you are a hardworking and maintain low profile so you be like that and Saturn pays you in return. There will be good success in job, excellent communications skills, and great and multiple relationships. The hardwork will confer status, money, reward and achievement. You are a leader and will take lead for all matters and people will follow and love you. Acquarians are advised to be careful of enemies as there will be some legal issue invoked by the opponents to tarnish your image.

The earning part will be more than the remaining months as you are industrious person, you will achieve the impossible also. There will be personal happiness too. A relation and great bondage with your paternal relations will build during this month do allow the opportunity to make the relation good.

You will have romantic time with your spouse and will enjoy all the comforts in life. These are good times for people in relationships and they will have love and romance more than they desire.

On the job front your hard work will be recognized and will be paid to you. You may get a promotion. A rise in status is always there during this month for Acquarius natives.

Finances will be good and incomes will be more but expenditure will also match the incomes. New works assignments and project will be taken up which will pay in the long run.

Travel is there and the planets will take you to a shrine of ancient type which will be great blessing to you. Do visit and seek the blessings of diety.

There will be a celebration for your success at the end of the month. You must greet each and every person in the function and make your presence felt as simple and down to earth host, do Hard work, be humble, and serve the poor.

Remedy:Perform rudra abhishek on Mondays and chant Rudram.

These are only generalized predictions for November. To get a more personalized horoscope, please call Astro Bhanu number on the screen or click on the link below right away!

Numerology Predictions for month of November 2023

Numerology Predictions for month of November 2023

The month of November 2023 has arrived, in this year 2023 a year of number 7, primarily gives spirituality, high level of inventions, innovations, partnerships, research & development, changes in all areas, achievements, recognition, high level of patriotism, rewards, deaths, disconnect from the luxuries life and become a monk. The month of November has high powered energy being the Master Number 11 and gives double energy of Sun, emotionality, fast work, high level of friendship, great success, money, easy cash flow, many relationships, too much of mutations, mother, motherland, also variation in decision making if it is not strong.

The month of November 2023 will be denoted by number 9 and this give an aggression, completion of work, people with work like passions of fire, protection, safeguarding ones own people, finishing the enemy, fights arguments, heated discussions, celebrations, religious functions. The month is signified by the birth date number 2 & life path number 9, they will have their friends with birth dates 1,2,3,7,9. There is another peculiarity that people with birth dates 7 will be in deep friendship with people birth dates 9 and they wil have connection with people with birth date 2.

The month is also characterised by high powered energy of Number 11 which will support the natives with birth dates 2 giving them all the strength to pull on with birth dates 9. In real terms it is predicted that this month the support, energy and the best security will be available to all natives.

Predictions for Numbers 1 to 9 as each number has its own significations characteristics and traits. This article provides you with the numerology predictions for the month of November, do read and check them with developments and also use the remedies. These are general predictions of numerology, however, the detailed and specific will be based on individuals date of birth, name and planetary positions.

November Predictions. Born on 01, 10, 19 of any month The King in the camp of Commander.

Number 1 is a ruler and king. In this month of November 2023 Number 1 has superb events happening in the natives life. The native will get good physical support from Mars and it will conquer and rule.

Work area will be very good you will receive a good income, promotion, job change, You will have a good time with your boss, employer. Number 1 people must be careful of any strategy being plotted against them.

Finances in this month will be good, the flow of money will be there and jump in earnings is predicted. A grant of some wealth in non-physical form is also there.

Aggression levels will be high and there will be moments of high angers especially in matters of work area emotional connections. Be careful donot let out your aggression go beyond control or else it shall tarnish your image.

Relations father, siblings and friends will be on good note. Your siblings will be of great help to you. However, donot be too emotional, you are advised to be practical and give respects to your father and be helpful to your siblings and friends. Emotions may weaken you be careful.

Business will be good, new opportunities will be there and you may acquire some new venture enter into new business area. This is the best times to expand your business and you may also sell your franchise.

Relationships with partners will be dominating and you will dictate the terms. Your partner will follow you both in relations terms also in business lines. Youngsters with date of birth of one going for relationships are advised not to be aggressive and be polite and down to earth or else they will loose due to their egoistic behaviour. There can some disturbances in married life and certain troubles be careful.

Health during this period will be overall good expect for those who have blood issues will have to keep their levels in control. Good food parties will be there you will enjoy them and make new friends.

Remedy :Keep aggression and ego in control. Chant Hanuman chalisa and Pray Bahubali Shree Hanumanji.

Favourable day :Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesdays.

Favorable dates :1,10,19,28

Color :Orange

November Predictions :Born on : 2,11,20 of any month. The queen in the camp of commander

The number 2 is at home with his family and will enjoy the best of times in this period. the month will be of good emotions of happy moments and will be enjoying the company of opposite sex. There will be frequent travels, with family and partner. Good to travel on water, sea, rivers on boats.

Work area of natives will be good, there will be travel, there is possibility of job change, there will be some new opportunity in this period. Utilise the new opportunities gainfully.

Good flow of finances in this period gains from work area and from your investments. A purchase of ornament metal items will be there. Expenditire on religious events will take place.

This is a period of high emotions certain ups and downs going through the month. The first half will be dull but the second half will be bright. You might feel depressed in the first half but donot be disheartened the second half will be bright and cheerful for you. Just keep your emotions in control and don’t allow the tempers to run down.

For people in business the month shall be normal and your performance and productivity will be adequate. Use more of discussive methods to resolve issues in business and involve all stake partners in the discussion. The decision taken inn this period will pay after a month.

Relations with family will be good and emotional discussions and feelings will be expressed by you in the family. Separation of a family member will be there in this period.

Health may a matter of concern as there will some issues of liver, stomach, digestion and also cold related issues. Pitta the bile gastric may increase in this period, take care of your diet, food and life styles.

Remedy : Avoid curd and milk in the night times. Pray lord Shiva in the form of Chandramoulehswara swami.

Favourite days :Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Favourite dates :2, 11,20

Color :Milky, white.

November Predictions :Born on : 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month The Minister in the camp of Commander

The number 3 in this month is with the commander of the year. The number 3 signifies for knowledge, spirituality, and ways to earn money from knowledge, and it combines with sudden logic, aggression and rejuvenation. It also gives chance for taking risk. The month will bring in good pursuits in life of wisdom knowledge and gains.

The work area will add to your knowledge and you will pursuit for knowledge will increase in this month. You will gain more knowledge in your work area. Your work will intensify and you will also feel rejuvenated in your work. The success in your work will reduce your stress levels. New opportunities of work will open up, you are likely to get a new job.

Finances will be adequate giving boost to your savings. Your expenses may outgo your targets. Keep your expenses in control. Incomes from property and unearned sources will increase.

Your wisdom and knowledge will bring down the emotionality and make you stable in this period. You will be able to guide people with whom you interact and be a mentor for them. You will take some wise decisions in this month.

Business will do well, good sense will prevail and you will maintain good relations with your subordinates and also with business partner. There will be aggression but you will control it. Only caution donot believe on what you hear and listen, experience the facts then decide.

Relations will be normal your aggression and emotionality will play upon and your relations will have a swing of switches in this month. Your wisdom will prevail in the family and you will not allow aggression to overplay. New relations will build in the family and some near and dear will come much closer. An event of marriage is on card and will change your life with the partner joining your family.

Health will be good and you will have good times of vigour and energy in this month. You will show much of your experience in your upkeep and maintain yourself.

Remedy :Pray God Shree Vishnu ji and chant Vishnusahasranam.

Favourable days :Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.

Favourable dates :3, 12,21,30.

Color : Yellow

November Predictions : Born on 4,13,22 of any month The trouble maker in the camp of Commander.

For natives with birth date 4 the month of November is going to be tough. The Number 4 signifies the hardwork, low jobs, working away from homeland and has not boundaries for anything, it’s all extremes and hardwork. The number 4 is like the single batsman through the entire innings of a cricket match. He is the opener and he is the match winner. This month will have issues of working single handed, troubles in work, confusion, working without any boundaries, deep into any field and extreme hardwork all alone. But this bring a lot of aggression in you and that where the number 9 has to control it.

On the work front the number 4 will have a bit of aggression and they will go deep into the work line. This shall also involve introspection and audit in their work area. The number 4 will have to travel long distance for work and earnings. Number 4 should control their aggression lest it will damage the entire thing and their career.

On the relations side this month is not so favorable things will be dominated by anger, even chances of hitting or physical abuse are there. Number 4 natives to be careful and control their aggression for this they can take the help of better side of number 9 like being humanitarian, humble and benevolent. Be good to your family and take care of them do not humiliate anyone. Keep your point and concern carefully and in a peaceful manner. The family life will be good if you observe restrain on yourself.

Natives in business will have Business expansion and shall go ahead with bigger goals and objects. They will have a vision and will implement the vision. This is good time for business natives to expand.

Health wise the period is couple with high energy and aggression levels in their body. It is advised that a humanitarian approach will channelize their aggression to right direction. Take care of your blood levels and if any chronic issue of blood is there do take precaution and medication for the same.

Remedy :Pray Kaal Bhairav on Sunday in rahu kaal and donate some black grams in temple.

Favorable days :Friday and Saturday

Favourable dates : 4,13,22.

Color :Blue

November Predictions : Born on 5,14,23 of any month The Prince in Commander’s camp.

Number 5 is a number of immunity, intelligence, educated business oriented wonderful, enjoyments, make merry & joy. The number 5 goes well in this month neither giving any sort of trouble nor adding any thing above. So all the more it only enjoy and have fun. In this month natives of number 5 will be having a jolly time good parties, friends and functions & celebrations. You will be of support to your friends.

On the work front they have an easygoing without any disturbance in work areas. Natives who are in need of job will get work and they will have to move place. Keep good relations with your bosses.

Finances are fairly good in this month. Inflow will be adequate. Some of your friend or an elder sibling will be seeking your financial help. Just think and act. Multiple financial income sources will open up in this month.

On the Business front this is period of aggressive drive for multiple businesses. Do create multiple sources of business and it will benefit you in long run. A finance in waiting will be given to you this period. Existing businessmen need to be careful in marketing strategy and while dealing with their clients.

Family will have to be kept in good spirits in this month and donot show any sort of aggression on family. Have rejuvenation, outings, parties and enjoy family gatherings. Relationships need to ensure they keep in touch with their partners and not to leave them alone. These are the times of togetherness.

On the health front prune up your immunity with good intake of diet and keep your immunity level at good standards. Don’t venture for new things in life on health area and adopt the traditional concept.

Remedy :Pray Bhagwan Ganesh maharaj chant the Atharvasheesh path.

Favourable days :Wednesday, Sunday, Friday

Favourable dates :5,14,23

Color :Green

November Predictions : Born on 6,15, 24 of any month The dancer in the camp of Commander.

The number 6 is the only number which signifies the beauty, love romance, partnership, love, sex and money and abundance. This month is special among all the numbers for relationship, romance and life partners it, brings love, romance, abundance, settlement of divorce, marriage, remarriage and reunions, divorces will be settled.

On the work front the month is special for growth especially for those who are in I.T. and Online modes of working. The colleagues will be cooperative and the subordinates will follow. The atmosphere will be in your control.

On the finances part there is a good flow of cash in this month, your balances will grow up but only precautions is that you must not waste it in speculation. Number 6 natives speculation in this month will lead to losses.

This month is very high on the emotional part with relations and specially with partners and long standing relationships. Though the month promises a good unique combination of beauty and strength and the beauty is well support by the god of justice who will not allow the mighty to exploit and use the beauty. Emotions will be high and there will also be separations with emotional disturbance. Keep calm and just allow the time to pass out so that you balance and donot become aggressive.

On the health front this is a good month for number 6 they will have good times with health they will be able to upkeep themselves and fulfill their obligations in relationships. More new relations will be built up and relationships will have more enjoyments coupled with pleasures.

Remedy :Pray Godess Maa Laxmi devi and chant laxmi ashotra.

Favorable days :Friday, Saturday.Wednesday.

Favorable dates :6,15,24.

Color :White

November Predictions : Born on 7,16, 25 of any month The monk in the camp of Commander.

The birth dates number 7 is one of the unique numbers, it signifies, a disconnect from luxuries life, it is for knowledge, spirituality, mysticism and thus separation from worldly life. In this month of November the natives with birth dates 7 will have a fertile imagination and mysticism. The month will bring spirituality, knowledge and certain separation from near and dear ones.

On the work area in jobs this is going to be month very normal. Just be where you are donot venture anything new. The bosses will all up in arms to catch you for anything. Try to keep low profile and be humble and simple. Your subordinate may seek your guidance do offer it and guide them.

The family will need your support do render a good support to all and also to your children. Don’t be aggressive with family, deal with them calmly. You will have to take the place of being central pillar in the family and your will power has to be strong. Try to maintain peace in the family by adopting to any spiritual method. Relations will not be as great for natives with Number 7, they should take care of relations

There are chances of distance from near and dear ones emotions may run and you need to control your emotions.

Number 7 natives in business need to friendly with their partners as there are chances of disconnect in business relations, Just keep watch on partners and be careful with them in disucussions.

Relationships in the month for Number 7 natives will have a fresh beginning as many will find new relationships which will remain for some days.

Health needs to be taken care as a disconnect for healthy food is seen and the health of child needs more attention.

Remedy :Pray Lord Ganesha and chant Atharva sheesh path.

Favorable days :Wednesday

Favorable dates :7,16,25

Color :Yellow, multicolored

November Predictions : Born on 8,17,26 of any month The judge in the camp of Commander

Birth date number 8 is a number which signifies, hardwork, karma, justice. For birth date number 8 natives it is like competing and travelling in a competitors zone. Number 8 natives have been facing a lot of struggle in this year and the month is going to give a direction as compared to the remaining part.

Your life will face an aggressive period. You will do your work aggressively and you may seek justice from your mentors. You will get justified results but a great hardwork in this month. The month will also give the energy of god father to you there take the advantage.

Finances will be good you will have lot of gains and profits. The month will bring dividends and also some intangible assets.

The month will be aggressive in all spheres of life. Your aggression may bring benefit is work area but not in family. With family be caring and loving.

For number 8 natives business in the month will be good you will get support of friends, brothers and elderly male people. More hardwork is required in business, put in your effort and churn the best of the times to get good results in your business.

Relationships for young will be good you will have to keep patience with your partners, many will get new relationships.

On the Health front the month will be stressful. Your involvement in work and in social gatherings will be of high level and you shall make new friends and develop contacts. Those who are having chronic issue to be careful. Eat hot food always and donot waste food.

Remedy :Pray Shani maharaj on Saturdays. Feed a beggar.

Favorable days :Saturday

Favorable dates :8,17,26

Color :Black

November Predictions : Born on 9,18,27 of any month The fighter in the camp of Commander.

The Number 9 natives are aggressive in nature, humanitarian, have rejuvenation, they take risks, they are logical, and their decision are all of sudden. This is month where they will feel being like at home. They will be having an aura of high energy, activeness and may take part in any of the controlling activity.

The month will be good for work for Number 9 natives they will get good success in work, dealings with clients will go well. The activities such as marketing, human resources, will have good success. Number 9 natives will have more interactions with public, their clients and solve issues in this more month more aggressively. New clients, customers will add into their profiles and activity.

Finances will be good and there will be good gains in this month. Great chances of acquiring a tangible asset.

The month will be one where you will be more humanitarian and will do a lot of charity and help the downtrodden. Your emotions will be high and you will earn a good karma. Only caution to be taken is don’t be aggressive.

Business will be good you will earn a good name in this month. Clients will give good rating and reviews on your work.

Health will be in highest form your immunity level will get a boost. You will of support to all. You will maintain discipline will be strict in all manners. Your punctuality will give you the reward.

Remedy : Pray Bahubali Bhagwan Hanumanji and chant hanuman chalisa.

Favorite days :Tuesday

Favorite dates :9,17,27.

Color :Brown

Note : These numerology predictions are based on general readings and may differ for each individual based on their unique numerology charts. For any detailed predictions and analysis and remedies and issues please consult Astro Bhanu on Astroyogi. Namashkar.

Numerology for month of January

Numerology for month of January 2024. The Year Number “The Year of Justice”.

Welcome all to the “Year of Wood Dragon”, to the Universal year number 8. This is the year of Saturn. The year carries a unique energy and influence. The year signifies, determination, dedication, power, abundance, low living, justice, success and of struggle in the world for everything. The year in Numerology belongs to Number 8, the year of Saturn, the year of karma and destiny.

The year will bring many new avenues, it will complete the long pending tasks in business and in personal life. Certain specific businesses of oil and energy will get boost. Certain metals of steel, Iron, gold, brass industries will get a boom. Civil engineering works constructions will expand. Industries will get a better outlook. Challenges and responsibilities will come in the way and will be fulfilled.

Predictions for January 2024 (Born on 01,10,19,28 of any month) “Leadership”.

Dear number 1, natives, the month will bring a great deal of happenings since it is having birth number 1, and this is accompanied by an opposite combination of number 8. The Sun and Saturn, The father and Son, The Boss and subordinates, will unitedly work for progress. The number 1 will receive lot of respect for his leadership, daring and hardwork qualities during this month.

There will be new assignments, projects and undertaking which will go a long way and some will be visionary projects.

The time is good for people in jobs and services most of them will have some conflict with bosses rest the month will be good. A change in job or a change of boss is not ruled out.

For students and scholars this will be intense month. There will be good guidances coming for their help. In family and relationships you will dominate the entire show in this month.

Favourable dates : 01,10,19,28.

Favourable day :Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Colour : Orange

Remedy :Offer water to Sun god on Sundays.

Predictions for January 2024 (Born on 02,11,20 of any month) “Mediator”.

Dear birth number 2, natives, the month has activities of movement, going around, short travels, business entrepreneurships. There will be frequent travels for business purposes and gains coming up easily.

Natives in jobs and professionals will have movement during the month and rise in cash flow. Additional incomes and bonuses will be given to boost to bonuses and intangible assets. There will be communications in the business which will result in fruitful gains.

Students and scholars will have good time and will also enjoy a decent holiday during this period. You will be helping many and will receive good vibrations from the cosmic for your good deeds.

Family and romance will be on the swing and a deep bondage in family specially with mother will be there. Life with partner and friends with be romantic and love life will be on a high node and things are pretty good during this month.

Remedy : Pray lord Shiva.

Favourite days :Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday

Favourite dates :2, 11,20

Color :Milky, white.

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 03,12,21, 30 of any month) “Diplomat”.

Dear number 3 natives, the month is going to be one of the best for you. You are in the best form of your business, there will be good growth. Natives will be facing and justifying all challenges with their knowledge and wisdom. Success will be there in all your business ventures during the month. You may receive some favours from Sovereign.

Natives in jobs and professions will do good and may receive a promotion and success in the month. There will be new job opportunities and you may change job. Great chances of promotion and upgradation in the existing profiles also possible.

Family and relationship will be good and with your wisdom you shall dominate upon things and will steer the family to right direction. A conduct of a happy event is likely during the month.

Remedy :Pray God Shree Vishnu.

Favourable days :Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

Favourable dates :3, 12,21,30.

Color : Yellow

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 04,13, 22, of any month) “Karma”

Dear number 4 natives, your surviving business and independent works may see some hurdles and obstacles, take necessary precautions and reduce these hurdles. There will also be some very big new ventures initiated which will be successful. This is the time when you will be setting foundations in all aspects of your life. Disconnecting yourself from minor anxieties will take you to progress, so lose them and focus on your overall plan for the rest of your life.

Natives in jobs and professions may go for a long distance travel possibly foreign and out of boundaries also. There will be new assignments and big works initiated by them. An expansion in size of present organisations is possible.

On the family and relationship front there will be less on communications among them. A Stressful climate may prevail for some time.

Remedy :Pray Kaal Bhairav on Sunday in rahu kaal.

Favorable days :Friday and Saturday

Favourable dates : 4,13,22.

Color :Blue

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 05,14, 23, of any month) “ All rounder”

Dear number 5 natives, the month will be good for business and professional works you will be involved in multi-tasking activities. There will be fair amount of success. Financial aspects of money and assets to be taken care off.

Natives in jobs and professions will do well and will be receiving good gains during the month.

Relationships may be a matter of concern. Some relationship may misuse you. Family atmosphere will be quite and will need your support.

Sudden happenings will take place. The month will be like a roller coaster with many changes in direction throughout. Future commitments will have to be ensured by you. The times are good for enjoyments, meeting in gatherings, friends and relatives.

Remedy :Pray Bhagwan Ganesh maharaj.

Favourable days :Wednesday, Sunday, Friday

Favourable dates :5,14,23

Color :Green

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 05,15, 24, of any month) “All rounder”.

Dear number 6 natives, the month will bring good money and progress in business. Businesses in fields of arts, media, beauty designs and cosmetics will have good growth.

Natives in jobs and subordinations will have some issues with female folk. Involvement with female folk may be reduced.

There will be some commitments made by you ensure to fulfill it. Corrections of a positive kind can be made in business, romance and family relationships. Relationships have to be cherished and nurtured.

An accountability will be fixed on you. Responsibility to family and the obligation to serve all humanity is your duty. Any call for fulfilling responsibility will have to be obliged by you.

Remedy :Pray Godess Maa Laxmi devi.

Favorable days :Friday, Saturday.Wednesday.

Favorable dates :6,15,24.

Color :White

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 07,16, 25, of any month) “ Faith”.

Dear number 7 natives, will get appreciation in their work and will receive rewards and gains. There will be favours from sovereign and much awaited long pending works will get completed.

Natives in jobs and independent professions will get great appreciation and promotions.

Students and scholars will do good and will be in fore front of every event in this month.

All the number 7 natives will have to adopt spirituality in their daily life and routine. In times of difficulties you must involve in meditation and prayer activities. Reading of spiritual books will fufill your spirituality in life. Do have the company of saints and holy men for knowledge and wisdom.

Remedy :Pray Lord Ganesha.

Favorable days :Wednesday

Favorable dates :7,16,25

Color :Yellow, multicolored

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 08,17, 26, of any month), “ Accomplishment”.

Dear number 8 natives, this is one of the finest period for the business and entrepreneurs, all long pending works will be completed and accomplished. Your hardwork will bear fruits in this period and you will achieve success. There are possibilities of issues with workers, employees, be good with them.

Working natives and professionals will have good results for their hardwork and struggle. A promotion in job and change of job is very much predicted. the Family and relationship will be well managed and maintain cordiality among relations. There will be a event in the family.

Remedy :Pray Shani maharaj on Saturdays.

Favorable days :Saturday

Favorable dates :8,17,26

Color :Black

Prediction for the month of January 2024 (Born on 09,18, 27, of any month), “Humanity”.

Dear number 9 natives, the month is very good for you. There will be good aggression and command in work. Business and entrepreneurials will have good success and shall achieve their work. There will be good coin their fields and mmunications and new ventures will be successful. Agriculture and harvest will be good and reap good benefits.

Natives in jobs and professions will have good success in their fields and will make achievements and win accolades. Changes in jobs and new jobs will be achieved by the natives. There will also be changes in your seniors and bosses. Aggression level has to be kept in control or else things may get spoiled.

Family and relations will be good and number 9 natives will dominate. Natives will protect and also be saviour in times of help. Natives will also be dominating the family affairs and relations.

Remedy : Pray Bahubali Bhagwan Hanumanji.

Favorite days :Tuesday

Favorite dates :9,17,27.

Color :Brown

Note : These numerology predictions are based on general readings and may differ for each individual based on their unique numerology charts. For any detailed predictions and analysis and remedies and issues please consult Astro Bhanu on Astroyogi.

Numerology Predictions for month of December – 2023.

Numerology Predictions for month of December - 2023.

The month of December – 2023 has arrived and its time for good events the December 2023 is with birth number 3 and life path number 1/(10) will give very good events to all. The month will be broadly prominent by blessings of mentors, elders, teachers, your father, your bosses, government, employers and elderly persons of family and lineage.

Natives will achieve goals. Natives will meet the best people. Relations with friends and relatives will be stronger. Verdict in court cases will be given in favour.

Profession and Gains - Experience will increase in commercial endeavours. Prestige and status will increase rapidly. You will be focussed on the fight and your struggle, the result will be good. There will be moto to keep striving for success. Business will achieve the expected strength and shall keep continuity of business. Professionalism will grow during the period and hard work will pay result in benefit.

Love, Family & Self : will increase the happiness of loved ones will respect others feelings. Will be ahead in the display of love. Will spend a memorable time and will go on a fun trip and will get support from friends. Natives will keep harmony. Will listen to your own people. Will pay attention to relationships. Matters of the mind will be pleasant.

Health and living: Health will be better in this period. Your personality will get boost. Your lifestyle will be attractive and there shall be more gatherings. There will be good living conditions and you shall get opportunity to boost your energies and vigour.

November Predictions : Born on 4,13,22 of any month The Police in the court of King.

For natives with birth date 4 the month of November is going to be tough. The Number 4 signifies the hardwork, low jobs, working away from homeland and has not boundaries for anything, it’s all extremes and hardwork. The month will have issues of working single handed, troubles in work, confusion, working without any boundaries, deep into any field and extreme hardwork all alone. But this bring a lot of aggression in you and that where the number 9 has to control it.

December Predictions. (Born on 01, 10, 19, 28 of any month) “The advisor enters the court of the King".

Natives of number 1 will have a good time in this month there will be ample opportunity in job, business, favours from government and new projects. This is a month of high energy and great power. Number 1 natives will do good in use of his power and play a positive role in their work areas. Love life may see some disturbance as you will be more involved in work but will not be able to devote time to your family. The period for number 01 and 10 will be good and the number 19 will see aggression coupled with power in their life.

There will be success, money, cash flow, people will come to you for help and assistance. There will be good decisions taken by you. Relationships and love life will be dominating. You will rule the times with your high energy. Aggression levels will be high and there will be moments of high angers especially in matters of work area emotional connections. Be careful donot let out your aggression go beyond control or else it shall tarnish your image.

Health levels will be reasonably good during the month, however your aggression levels may give some amount of stress to you, do avoid the stress levels.

Favourable dates : 01,10,19,28.

Favourable day : Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

Colour : Orange

Remedy : Offer water to Sun god on Sundays

November Predictions :Born on : 2,11,20 of any month “The queen in the court of King.”

The number 2 is with his spouse and will be with family and shall enjoy the best of times in this period, the month will be of good emotions, happy moments and will be enjoying the company of opposite sex. There will be frequent travels, with family and partner. Good to travel on water, sea, rivers on boats.

Work area of natives will be good, there will be travel, there is possibility of job change, there will be some new opportunity in this period. Utilise the new opportunities gainfully.

Good flow of finances in this period gains from work area and from your investments. A purchase of ornament metal items will be there. Expenditire on religious events will take place.

In this period the number 2 natives will have high emotions, certain ups and downs. The first half will be dull but the second half will be bright. You might feel depressed in the first half but donot be disheartened the second half will be bright and cheerful for you. Just keep your emotions in control and don’t allow the tempers to run down.

For people in business there will be support from business partners employers and sponsors. There will be good progress in performance and productivity. There will be the domination of employers and sponsors. Do resort to discussive methods to resolve issues in business and involve all stake partners in the discussion. The decision taken inn this period will pay after a month.

Relations with family will be good and emotional discussions and feelings will be expressed by you in the family. Separation of a family member will be there in this period.

Health may a matter of concern as there will some issues of liver, stomach, digestion and also cold related issues. Pitta the bile gastric may increase in this period, take care of your diet, food and life styles.

Remedy :Pray lord Shiva.

Favourite days :Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday.

Favourite dates : 2, 11,20

Color : Milky, white

November Predictions :Born on : 3, 12, 21, 30 of any month “The Minister in the court of King, the no 3 rules in December”.

The month is special for natives of number 3 since they will have great support from all corners they will be getting support from their followers and will also get mentoring if they follow. Natives having birth number 3 signifies for knowledge, spirituality, and ways to earn money from knowledge, and it combines with sudden logic, aggression and rejuvenation. It also gives chance for taking risk. The month will bring in good pursuits in life of wisdom knowledge and gains.

The work area will add to your knowledge and you will pursuit for knowledge will increase in this month. You will gain more knowledge in your work area. Your work will intensify and you will also feel rejuvenated in your work. The success in your work will reduce your stress levels.

Finances will be adequate giving boost to your savings. Your expenses may outgo your targets. Keep your expenses in control. Incomes from property and unearned sources will increase.

You will receive good patronage from your mentors and seniors. Your wisdom and knowledge will bring down the emotionality and make you stable in this period. You will take some wise decisions in this month.

Business will do well, good sense will prevail and you will maintain good relations with your subordinates and also with business partner. There will be aggression but you will control it. Only caution donot believe on what you hear and listen, experience the facts then decide.

Relations will be normal your aggression and emotionality will play upon and your relations will have a swing of switches in this month. Your wisdom will prevail in the family and you will not allow aggression to overplay. New relations will build in the family and some near and dear will come much closer.

Remedy : Pray God Shree Vishnu.

Favourable days : Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday.

Favourable dates : 3, 12,21,30.

Color : Yellow

November Predictions : Born on 4,13,22 of any month The Police in the court of King.”

For natives with birth date 4 the month of November is going to be tough. The Number 4 signifies the hardwork, low jobs, working away from homeland and has not boundaries for anything, it’s all extremes and hardwork. The month will have issues of working single handed, troubles in work, confusion, working without any boundaries, deep into any field and extreme hardwork all alone. But this bring a lot of aggression in you and that where the number 9 has to control it.

On the work front the number 4 will have a bit of aggression and they will go deep into the work line. This shall also involve introspection and audit in their work area. The number 4 will have to travel long distance for work and earnings. Number 4 should control their aggression lest it will damage the entire thing and their career.

On the relations side this month is not so favorable things will be dominated by ego power and strength. But the irony is the Number 4 natives with their clever and introspective abilities be able to pierce the power and control and jell into it with their tainted abilities.

Natives in business will have Business expansion and shall go ahead with bigger goals and objects. They will have a vision and will implement the vision.

Health wise the period is couple with high energy and aggression levels in their body. It is advised that a humanitarian approach will channelize their aggression to right direction.

Remedy : Pray Kaal Bhairav on Sunday in rahu kaal.

Favorable days : Friday and Saturday.

Favourable dates : 4,13,22.

Color : Blue

November Predictions : Born on 5,14,23 of any month “The Minister in the court of King.”

Number 5 is a number of immunity, intelligence, educated business oriented wonderful, enjoyments, make merry & joy. The number 5 goes well in this month neither giving any sort of trouble nor adding any thing above. In this month natives of number 5 will be having a jolly time good parties, friends and functions & celebrations. You will be of support to your friends.

On the work front they have an easygoing without any disturbance in work areas. Natives who are in need of job will get work and they will have to move place. Keep good relations with your bosses.

Finances are fairly good in this month. Inflow will be adequate. Some of your friend or an elder sibling will be seeking your financial help.

People in banking government sectors will have good time in this month. There will be positive vibrations from your bosses.

Family will have to be kept in good spirits in this month and donot show any sort of aggression on family. Have rejuvenation, outings, parties and enjoy family gatherings.

On the health front prune up your immunity with good intake of diet and keep your immunity level at good standards.

Remedy: Pray Bhagwan Ganesh maharaj.

Favourable days : Wednesday, Sunday, Friday

Favourable dates : 5,14,23

Color : Green

November Predictions : Born on 6,15, 24 of any month “The dancer in the court of King”.

The number 6 is the only number which signifies the beauty, love romance, partnership, love, sex and money and abundance. The month will not be favourable for natives of birth dates number 6. There will be issues of stress and bit of health issues.

On the work front the month is special for growth especially for those who are in I.T. and online modes of working. The colleagues will be cooperative and the subordinates will follow. The atmosphere will be in your control

On the finances part there is a good flow of cash in this month, your balances will grow up but only precautions is that you must not waste it in speculation.

This month is very high on the emotional part with relations and specially with partners and long standing relationships. Though the month promises a good unique combination of beauty and strength and the beauty is well support by the god of justice who will not allow the mighty to exploit and use the beauty.

On the health front this is a good month for number 6 they will have good times with health they will be able to upkeep themselves and fulfill their obligations in relationships. More new relations will be built up and relationships will have more enjoyments coupled with pleasures.

Remedy: Pray Godess Maa Laxmi devi.

Favorable days : Friday, Saturday.Wednesday.

Favorable dates : 6,15,24.

Color : White

November Predictions : Born on 7,16, 25 of any month “The monk in the court of the King”.

The birth dates number 7 is one of the unique numbers, it signifies, a disconnect from luxuries life, it is for knowledge, spirituality, mysticism and thus separation from worldly life. In this month of November, the natives with birth dates 7 will have a fertile imagination and mysticism. The month will bring spirituality, knowledge and certain separation from near and dear ones.

On the professional front the is month will be rewarding. Try to keep low profile and be humble and simple. Your subordinate may seek your guidance do offer it and guide them.

The family will need your support do render a good support to all and also to your children. Don’t be aggressive with family, deal with them calmly. You will have to take the place of being central pillar in the family and your will power has to be strong. Try to maintain peace in the family by adopting to any spiritual method. Relations will not be as great for natives with Number 7, they should take care of relations.

There are chances of distance from near and dear ones emotions may run and you need to control your emotions.

Relationships in the month for Number 7 natives will have a fresh beginning as many will find new relationships which will remain for some days.

Health needs to be taken care as a disconnect for healthy food is seen and the health of child needs more attention.

Remedy: Pray Lord Ganesha.

Favorable days : Wednesday

Favorable dates : 7,16,25

Color : Yellow, multicolored

November Predictions : Born on 8,17,26 of any month “The judge in the court of King”.

Birth date number 8 is a number which signifies, hardwork, karma, justice. For birth date number 8 natives it is like competing and travelling in a competitors zone. Number 8 natives have been facing a lot of struggle in this year and the month is going to give a direction as compared to the remaining part.

Your life will face an aggressive period. You will do your work aggressively and you may seek justice from your mentors. You will get justified results but a great hardwork in this month. The month will also give the energy of god father to you there take the advantage.

For number 8 natives business in the month will lack support of friends, brothers and elderly male people. More hardwork is required in business, put in your effort and churn the best of the times to get good results in your business.

Relationships for young will be good you will have to keep patience with your partners, many will get new relationships.

On the Health front the month will be stressful. Your involvement in work and in social gatherings will be of high level and you shall make new friends and develop contacts. Those who are having chronic issue to be careful. Eat hot food always and donot waste food.

Remedy: Pray Shani maharaj on Saturdays.

Favorable days : Saturday

Favorable dates : 8,17,26

Color : Black

November Predictions : Born on 9,18,27 of any month “The commander is in the court of King”.

The Number 9 natives are aggressive in nature, humanitarian, have rejuvenation, they take risks, they are logical, and their decision are all of sudden. This is month where they will feel being like at home. They will be having an aura of high energy, activeness and may take part in any of the controlling activity.

The month will be good for work for Number 9 natives they will get good success in work, dealings with clients will go well. The activities such as marketing, human resources, will have good success. Number 9 natives will have more interactions with public, their clients and solve issues in this more month more aggressively. New clients, customers will add into their profiles and activity.

Finances will be good and there will be good gains in this month. Great chances of acquiring a tangible asset.

The month will be one where you will be more humanitarian and will do a lot of charity and help the downtrodden. Your emotions will be high and you will earn a good karma. Only caution to be taken is don’t be aggressive.

Business will be good you will earn a good name in this month. Clients will give good rating and reviews on your work.

Health will be in highest form your immunity level will get a boost. You will of support to all. You will maintain discipline will be strict in all manners. Your punctuality will give you the reward.

Remedy: Pray Bahubali Bhagwan Hanumanji.

Favorite days : Tuesday

Favorite dates : 9,17,27.

Color : Brown

Note : These numerology predictions are based on general readings and may differ for each individual based on their unique numerology charts. For any detailed predictions and analysis and remedies and issues please consult Astro Bhanu on Astroyogi.

Bhrigu Sutras, Chapter II, Effects of Rahu and Ketu in the Twelve Houses

Rahu or Ketu in the First House

Bhrigu Sutras 1-4

If Rahu or Ketu is in the first house the native's wife will give birth to a still born child. If Rahu or Ketu is in Aries, Taurus or Cancer, the native will be kind hearted and fond of enjoyments. If Rahu or Ketu is aspected by a malefic there will be marks on the face (probably of small pox).

Other Views

Brihat Jataka ( Varaha Mihira) and Saravali (Kalyan Verma) have not dealt with the effects of Rahu and Ketu in the various houses.

Phaldeepika: Mantrshwar

Rahu-The native will be short lived but wealthy and powerful but he will suffer from disease in the upper part of his body.

Ketu-The native will be ungrateful unhappy, backbiter, and moving in the society of undesirable persons. He will have an afflicted body and will be deprived of his position.

Chamatkar Chintamani: Narayanabhatta Arade

Rahu-The native will destroy the power of his enemies. He will remain under the influence of others. He will remain detached in spite of having many wives.

Ketu-The native will prove troublesome to the members of his family. He will suffer from windy troubles.

Rahu or Ketu in the Second House

Sutras 5-6

If Rahu or Ketu is in the second house, the native will be poor, will suffer from diseases of the body and loss of children, and will be of dark. complexion. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a malefic the native will have a mark on the lips.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will say words which convey double meaning. He will suffer from diseases of the mouth. He will be of angry temperament but rich on account of favour from the king. Ketu-The native will be devoid of wealth and education. He will indulge in vulgar speech, have defective eye sight and will depend on others for food.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native will face destruction of his family. He will be earless but a liar. He will destroy his enemies to save his wealth. Ketu-The native will suffer from diseases of the mouth. He will have bitterness with the king (Government). He will suffer loss of wealth and will have troubles from the members of his family. If Ketu is in Aries, Gemini or Virgo, the native will enjoy all comforts.

Rahu or Ketu in the Third House

Sutras 7-8

If Rahu or Ketu is in the third the native will have abundance of oil seeds of the type of mustard, til, sesamum etc. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a benefic, there will be a mark on the neck.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be respected and will have inimical relations with his brothers. He will be wealthy, long lived and determined. Ketu-The native will be wealthy, powerful, long lived and reputed. He will enjoy company of his wife and will have abundant agricultural products. He will suffer loss of brothers.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native will be very courageous.

Ketu-The enemies will be vanquished. There will be controversies. Great prosperity will be enjoyed. There will be no friends.

Rahu or Ketu in the Fourth House

Sutras 9-10

The native will own many kinds of ornaments, will have two wives and will serve others. If Rahu or Ketu is. associated with a malefic, the native's mother will be in distress but this will not happen if there is association with a benefic.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be stupid, troublesome, short lived and seldom happy. Ketu-The native will live in the house of others. He will suffer loss of his mother, land, happiness and grain fields. He may have to go away from his native place.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The mother of the native will be sickly. Rahu in Aries, Cancer or Virgo, gives beneficial results. The native will then become a king. Ketu-The native will be devoid of happiness from mother and friends. He will not stay in his own house for long. His paternal property will be destroyed.

Rahu or Ketu in the Fifth House

Sutras 11-13

The native will have no children or suffer loss of children due to wrath of the Serpent God. He will have children after conducting Pooja of Naga Pratima. The native will suffer from windy diseases and indulge in sinful deeds. He will suffer from wrath of the king and will live in undesirable places.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be childless, hard hearted and will suffer from stomach ailments. Ketu-The native will suffer from loss of children. He will be of evil nature and unwise. He may also suffer from 'Pishacha Badha'.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native will get a son. He will always be worried on account -of his wife. He will suffer from stomach ailments. Ketu-The native will suffer from stomach ailments. He will not get many children. In spite of being courageous he will remain dependent on others.

Rahu or Ketu in the Sixth House

Sutras 14-16

The native will be tolerant and very happy. If Moon is associated with Rahu or Ketu, the native will have sexual contact with ladies of king's family. He will be poor and a thief.

Other Views


Rahu The native will be wealthy and long lived. He will suffer from diseases of the anus. He will also suffer from enemies and from the evil effect of malefic planets. Ketu-The native will be generous, full of good qualities, determined, famous and a person in authority.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native's enemies will be destroyed. He will be powerful, virile and wealthy. Ketu-The native will suffer loss of reputation on account of his maternal uncle. He will own cattle like cows etc. He will be healthy but narrow minded.

Rahu or Ketu in the Seventh House

Sutras 17-21

The native will have two wives. The first wife will die and the second will suffer from tumour. If Rahu or Ketu is associated with a malefic the native will suffer from a disease called 'Ganda mala'. This will not happen if they are associated with a benefic. The native will generally have two wives but there will be only one wife if Rahu or Ketu is in conjunction with a benefic.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be of independent nature and will incur loss of wealth on account of his association with women. He will be a widower and will suffer from loss of virility. Ketu-The native will suffer from humiliation. He will indulge in affairs with unchaste women and will be separated from his own wife. He will suffer from intestinal disorders.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native will suffer loss of wife. Ketu-He will suffer loss of wealth and there will be danger to his life from watery places. His wife and children will be sickly. If Ketu is in Scorpio, the native will always be happy.

Rahu or Ketu in the Eighth House

Sutras 22-23

If Rahu or Ketu is in the eighth house, the native will be very sickly and the life span of the native will be of 32 years. It will be of 45 years if Rahu or Ketu is associated with a benefic. It will be of 60 years if the lord of the eighth house is strong or is in his sign of exaltation.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be in distress, will suffer from rheumatic troubles, will have few children, will be short lived and will indulge in evil deeds. Ketu-The native will be separated from his near and dear ,ones, will be quarrelsome and short lived. He will get injured from weapons and will face obstacles in all his undertakings.

Chamatkar Chintamani:

Rahu-The native will suffer from windy troubles. He will be deprived of paternal property and will be declared as an outcaste by his relations. He will be respected by the king and learned men but members of his family will have little regard for him. Ketu-The native will suffer from piles and will have danger to life from falling down from a horse. He will be short of funds but there will be accumulation of wealth if Ketu is in Scorpio, Virgo or Aries.

Rahu or Ketu in the Ninth House

Sutra 24

If Rahu or Ketu is in the ninth house, the native will be childless, will have intimacy with low-born women, will depend on others for his livelihood and will be irreligious.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will speak with bitterness and will not perform any charitable deeds but will be a leader of village or town. Ketu-The native will be sinfully disposed, will perform un-pious deeds, will be fatherless, unfortunate and poor.

Chamatkar Chintamani

Rahu-The native will be full of good qualities, fond of pilgrimages and kind hearted. Ketu-The native will be anxious to get children and will earn wealth with the help of non-Hindus.

Rahu or Ketu in the Tenth House

Sutras 25-28

The native will have sexual contacts with widows and will live in slums. He will live in good places if Rahu or Ketu is associated with a benefic. The native will also be interested in poetry.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will have few children, will not perform good deeds but will be fearless and famous.Ketu-The native will indulge in sinful deeds but he will be famous for his courage.

Chamatkar Chintamani

Rahu-The native will waste money on drinking and do cruel deeds. He will prefer the company of non-Hindus and enjoy beautiful women. Ketu-The native will be unfortunate and will live in distress. He will have no happiness from father. He will destroy his enemies if Ketu is in Aries, Virgo or Scorpio.

Rahu or Ketu in the Eleventh House

Sutras 29-30

The native will be blessed with children and be wealthy.

Other Views


Rahu-The native will be wealthy and long lived but will have few children. He will suffer from ear troubles. Ketu-The native will accumulate wealth and will enjoy all kinds of comforts. He will get success in all his undertakings.

Chamatkar Chintamani

Rahu-The native will acquire wealth through non-Hindus. He will have happiness from children. Ketu-The native will have all kinds of gains. He will be fortunate, learned and well dressed. His issues will be unfortunate.

Rahu or Ketu in the Twelfth House

Sutras 31-32

The native will have few children and suffer from eye troubles. He will go to hell after death.


Rahu-The native will incur lot of wasteful expenditure and indulge in sinful deeds. Ketu-The native will commit sins secretly and incur expenditure for evil purposes. He will also suffer from eye troubles.

Timing of Marriage

Om Gurubyo Namaha

Timing of Marriage

I have been asked by many people to write about timing of marriage of an individual using the common tools, namely, Dasha & Bhukti and Transit of planets. This is an outline on this subject and details are available in various classical texts.


When we receive a horoscope for determination of time of marriage we have to see under what classification the individual falls. In olden days the girls were married at a tender age of 12 – 14 years which was considered normal. But in today’s context we have to rewrite this classification and with my experience I would define these categories as follows:

1. Early Marriage – Before 22 years 2. Normal Marriage – 23 to 26 years 3. Late Marriage – 27 to 30 years 4. Delayed Marriage – 31 to 33 years 5. Denial of Marriage –34 years & beyond

I shall enumerate certain important combinations in the chart which points to above categories. These combinations are only significant ones and students are advised to do their own research by referring to classical texts.

Early Marriage1. Venus in Lagna/ 7th house2. Venus in own house /exalted, 7th Lord in a benefic sign

1. Venus + Mars combination in 7th house 2. Lagna Lord in 7th and 7th Lord in Kendra 3. Lagna Lord + 7th Lord in Lagna 4. Venus in 6th house with either Sun or Mars. 5. Lagna Lord closer to 7th House

Normal Marriage

1. The Lagna / Lagna Lord, 7th House / 7th Lord, Venus & Moon should be clear of malefic influence. 2. Venus & 7th Lord occupy good Navamsha sign.

Late Marriage

1. Saturn in Lagna / 7th House. 2. Saturn aspect on Lagna / 7th House /Lagna Lord / 7th Lord 3. Saturn influence on Venus/Rahu/Moon 4. Venus occupying Mars /Saturn Navamsha.

Delayed Marriage

1. Saturn + Mars in Lagna / 7th House or their influence on Lagna Lord / 7th Lord and Lagna & 7th House. 2. Venus and Moon afflicted by Saturn and Mars 3. 7th House / 7th Lord afflicted with malefics without any benefic aspect. 4. Venus in Papakartari Yoga 5. Venus in 8th House

Denial of Marriage

1. Venus in 8th House with Mercury / Saturn 2. Venus debilitated both in Rashi & Navamsha. 3. Lagna /7th House and their Lords in fixed signs & Moon in moveable sign. 4. Venus combust, debilitated and in Papakartari Yoga 5. Malefics in Lagna, 7th &12th House with waning Moon in 5th House. 6. Affliction of 2nd / 7th House and planets posited in fixed signs. 7. Lagna Lord, 7th Lord and Venus posited in Saturn Navamsha. 8. Natural Karakas for marriage, namely, Venus, Moon & Rahu are all highly afflicted. 9. If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a person’s does not marry.

Note: The combinations enumerated above are pri•ma fa•cie indicators and should not be taken as conclusive. We have to take into consideration other factors, such as, Shadbala, Avasthas, Yogas operating at that time and dispositors of karaka planets. For example, a debilitated Saturn may push the category up from delayed to late marriage and an exalted Saturn may bring down the category from late to delayed marriage. Timing of Marriage using Navamsha Chart

o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Kendra – early marriage o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Trikona –slight delay but will get married in time. o Navamsha Lagna Lord in Dusthana, spoilt by malefics like Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu – Marriage beyond 30 years. o Navamsha Lagna Lord is extremely spoilt – Denial of marriage. o Navamsha Lagna Lord in 7th House, 7th Lord in 12th House – marriage in 23rd or 26th years of age. o 8th House of Rashi chart is 7th House of Navamsha, Venus in Navamsha Lagna, marriage in 25th or 33rd years of age. o If Venus in seventh House or the Seventh Lord or the Lagna Lord of Navamsha is all afflicted then one can say that it amounts to no marriage. It would rather be better if such a person’s does not marry.


Dasha & BhuktiThe individual (during marriageable age) may get married during following conditions.

o Dasha of 7th Lord, planets occupying 7th house, planets aspecting 7th house o Dasha of dispositor of 7th Lord, Lord of Navamsha occupied by 7th Lord o Dasha of natural karakas, namely, Venus, Rahu & Moon o Dasha of Lagna Lord and Bhukti of 7th Lord. o Dasha / Bhukti of 2nd Lord o Dasha of planets with 7th Lord / aspecting 7th Lord Transits o Add Longitude of Lagna Lord and 7th Lord. When Jupiter transits this point / its trine/7th from it, marriage is likely. o Add Longitudes of Janma Nakshatra Lord and 7th Lord. When Jupiter transits this point /its trine, marriage is likely. o Jupiter transits / aspects the Rashi occupied by Navamsha dispositor of Lagna Lord. o Lagna Lord transit of 7th House o Male gets married when Jupiter transits natal Venus or its dispositor or their trines. o Female gets married when Venus transits natal Mars or its dispositor or their trines. o Astakavarga system gives many transits indicating marriage.

Double Transit Method

Many modern astrologers have done research, notably Sri. KN Rao, who have formulated a theory that marriage can be predicted using the transit of two important planets namely, Saturn and Jupiter, supplemented by transits of Mars and Moon to narrow the window of marriage. We all know that nothing good in life can take place without the blessings of Jupiter and Saturn and marriage is one such event. The conditions postulated are as follows:

o Transit Saturn should aspect Lagna Lord and / or 7th House o Transit Jupiter should aspect 7th Lord and / or Lagna o Saturn and Jupiter can reverse their role. o Mars and Moon meeting above conditions will narrow the timing to month / days. o Maximum conditions must be fulfilled.

Note:Please note that the conditions specified above may occur many times in an individual’s life but after ascertaining his classification for marriage, consider the nearest to that age.I have used this method and am confidant to state that it gives fairly accurate results, while I have come across people who are not convinced about this method. I do not wish to get into any dialogue on this issue and leave the choice to the readers.Remember that any transit prediction arrived at has to be corroborated by Dasha & Bhukti running at that time. If they are at variance, then Dasha & Bhukti prediction will prevail.

Love Marriage

This is a question which crops up time and again. Look for intense connection of 5th Lord, 7th Lord & 9th Lord either by conjunction or aspects. This condition has to be met even though many other combinations have been postulated. Rahu’s involvement with Lagna or 7th House indicates inter caste marriage.


Over a period of time, I have done extensive study of many horoscopes and have arrived at the points enumerated in this article. Inputs from classics and reference books by learned astrologers have also helped me immensely. I have been fortunate to have had a meaningful dialogue with many renowned astrologers on this subject and that has also given me several inputs. The point discussed here are no means exhaustive and I would urge the students to do more research and the following books may be used as reference. Brihat Parashara Hora ShastraHow to Judge a Horoscope Volume II – 7th House by Dr BV Raman

Mercury Transit 2023 from Scorpio to Sagittarius

Mercury is a planet that is a significator for intelligence, knowledge, memory, communications. Mercury gives all the qualities of a speaker, a person with good will power, the power of perseverance, the logical ability, the inquisitive thought on matters. It gives the person good memory power and argumentative capacity. When Mercury conjoins with ketu the person will remember even the smallest of the thing in life. Mercury is very important to all people and living beings for all matters in life, some major things are like, for student education, studies, researchers, businessmen, stationery, old books, singing, musical instruments, teeths, nerves, temperature. Some items of life are the mercury in thermometer, stationary paper, documentation, sea shells, certain big leaf plants kept in gardens of houses. In relationships majorly it signifies the sisters, daughters. Overall, it rules on your maturity and will make you immature, it gives smartness, coins and certain birds like parrot.

Mercury is the lord of dual signs Gemini and Virgo signs/rashis. That is why the reason that when Mercury is positively dominant one has duality in every thing in life. It has a direct impact on business and mental hard work. Such persons never reveal their innerself to society. From the point of view of health, the effect is on the shoulder and navel part. That is the reason, why some people have typical mental issues and issues of memory as their Mercury is helmed by malefic planets, or it is in a debilitated sign, which arises medical issues.

Mercury transits Sagittarius from November 27, 2023 IST 06.05 December 28, 2023 1035 a.m. It takes 30 days in each sign and 12 months to complete the 3600 and one round of the 12 rashis, the constellation so called gochar. Mercury transit in November 2023 can affect your life— business, career, education, love, family life, etc., based on the house from the natal Moon. Mercury gives promising results from where the Moon is situated in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth, and eleventh house at the time of birth. In the remaining places, i.e., on the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and twelfth house, the Moon effect will be mixed or negative.

This transit is special for the planet, since it is travelling in the house of its father the Deva Guru Brihaspati, Jupiter.

  • Mercury : Ownership : Gemini & Virgo (well placed Gemini)
  • Exaltation : Virgo
  • Moolatrikona : Virgo
  • Debilitation : Pisces

The prediction of Mercury’s transit in Sagitarius for each houses from Moon sign and the remedies are as under :

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 1st house

Mercury transit in 1st house Sagittarius which is the domain of Jupiter and moon here is under control of Jupiter but with Mercury it creates a sort of imbalance which leads to indulging in evil deeds and one may not ger good support form friends and even mentors, gurus and even from father. It is very essential for Sagittarius natives to restrain control on their words and actions or else they will have to face adverse consequences in business, job and also family life. Keep your emotions and anger under control. Certain health issues may be seen by these natives in the parts of thighs knees.

Some natives may begin new ventures, new higher studies, such natives should take care that they donot drop it in between maintain continuity and complete it. Donot give advise freely to anyone unless asked lest you may turn up a laughing stock. These are periods where you will involve in multiple activities. Though you may tend to be selfish but it is also to be ensured that you donot leave work incomplete.Your logic and wit will be of high level but take care of not spoiling it.


Pray the Prathama Devta Shri Ganesha Bhagwan and Gift green bangles or a saree to the old lady of the family.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 2nd house

Mercury transit in second house will increase your savings and you will get appreciation from family, relatives, uncles and mother’s sisters. Your bent for going deep in to subject, work will grow during this period. There will be new opportunities on your way you will cherish and gainfully utilise them. There will be some difference with your partners take care and do not apply logic and arguments over there or else this may give dispute with your wife. Take care of women folk in your in-laws family given them support and help. Avoid long distance travels.

Some of the natives are likely to start new business ventures they will have good partnership companions. This is the house where mercury gives rise to teachers and preachers, though they will have to work hard and struggle. Rest the transition will be good.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Durga MAA and apply kesar tilak on the forehead.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 3rd house

This is the place where mercury plays a crucial role on the will power, courage and inner strength. This transit will give good results for courage strength and will power since there will be new venture taken by the native. The communication aspect of words, speech, hate, and expression which will also include bodily expression will be matter of concern. For this you must keep things in control or else you are likely to get a false image.

This transit sometimes will give a false picture of being a hero but then when the transit is over you may land up to be a zero. Just take care of communication donot give any false picture and alluring words. The natives health may suffer due to too much stress avoid unnecessary communations.


Avoid gossips and pray lord Ganesha. Seve Lemon Tea at home and to needy.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 4th house

With transit of Mercury in fourth house the natives will buy new vehicles new innovative venture will take place. Again here Mercury will have the company of Guru, the Jupiter, all likely the natives bent will be more on education and learning. Natives may feel some unwanted element coming into their life and would feel ignored. But this is a good time to learn and keep update.

Mothers affection will increase and all likely will stay and spend some time with mother. Natives are advised to be close to their mother as this is the time when certain tips of life and guidance will be bestowed by mother. Natives closer to mother will not feel ignored during this period.

Remedy: Pray to Goddess Durga and Feed soaked green grams to pigeons and crows.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 5th house

This transit of Mercury will give some health related issues. The immunity level need to be checked up and kept in good spirit. Donot put your immunity level to challenge. The transit is not even good for children it might give some tough time in their studies and success in desired level of achievements. say that during this period, things might not go as planned with your spouse. On the marital front one need to take care of communication and any work with upkeep of house and pending documentation work or else you may have issues with your spouse.

The times are more than important for friends and colleagues. You will have good time with them and may have outing and parties. Be careful on communication front with your friends and colleagues. This is a house where Mercury would be very neutral and would not be very harmful and also it would not have any direct impact. The matters will be more decided by Jupiter, Moon and Sun. The struggle here is to make innovations and come out with new ideas and out of box solutions.

Remedy: Pray Goddess Sarawathi, donate some books and stationery items.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 6th house

This is a good place to give success and profits. The competition will bbe there but Business will expand, knowledge will enhance, and you shall receive profit from various sources. The academicians will gain good strength and will progress during this period. There will kindly comforts and luxury level to during this month. There will some stress for which a relaxation and rejuvenation is required. Money will flow in for many and there will be some sort of getting a loan which was pending for a long time.You may have applied for house the money will flow in. Do utilise it gainfully. Some will achieve success in competitions and will come out with flying colours. Musicians will have a good time and will purchase a new instruments. Singers and artists will have good amount of success in their songs and arts. The house does gives some success during the month. Document writers will have good work and will have to on toes to maintain the records.

Remedy: Pray Prathama Devta Shri Ganesha Bhagwan and offer good sweets and green fruits on Wednesdays.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 7th house

This is the place where the mercury will be giving you emotional issues and will give room to your colleagues, partners and spouse will want you to to plug the loose holes and fill them. You will have to deal with them alone and you may loose out on your patience. With the 2023 Mercury transit in this house, there shall be a breach in all your connections, including family members and colleagues. However, your superiors begin seeking the errors in your work. Due to all these reasons, you will find yourself alone and beset with despair. You will have to face opposition from your near and dear ones, and your children will also be part of this game. Your health shall see the impacts fiercely due to mental disturbance. Furthermore, health concerns for your spouse and children will remain. Nevertheless, you should get proper treatment and take other house members to the doctor.

For good health, you should establish better communication with your family members, which helps avoid the feeling of negligence. This transit foretells some hard times for natives who are on travel. Rejuvenation trips would be helpful than business trips. Pay more attention on communication with your partner and best friends. Remember words are stronger than actions.

Remedy: Donate some green grams in temple, Pray the trunk of Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 8th house

The transit will confer good effect on this eight house on your matters of income, unearned incomes, extra money, your respect and image among the people will increase and you shall enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. You will you lend the full support of your life partner, but you will also experience much love from your children you will also give support to your inlaws. You will give give good support to your children and will have rejuvenation and outings with family. There can be an addition of new member in family.

Income from unearned sources will be received. Profits will increase and you may get dividends and royalty money also. You health will be good and your immunity level will boost. As regards work you will do good in job and business will grow. Your opponents will get defeated. Your relationship and intimacy will grow and you will make new friends.

Remedy: Pray MAA Durga and offer a saree to the diety.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 9th house

This transit in nineth house of your horoscope shall be less beneficial as you tend to put your own identity, pleasing talks, arguments, logic which are not accepted your colleagues, friends, and family members and thus the mutual understanding will get spoilt. Natives are advised to be cautious while communicating with their mentors, father, elder brother and also bosses. This transit will result in higher education and those pursuing higher education will get success. Long distance travels are going to be there.

This transit will also give a chance of long distance travels some may go for foreign travels and on business trips sponsored by employers. Success in endeavours will be achieved with good rating.

Remedy: Donate items of green substance such as green leaves. Give Basil garlands tulsi mala in temple to Shri Ramji.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 10th house

It is a good time to start a career, choose the career field wisely during this period as the chances of success are very high, but with the right exploration. Your atmosphere at home will be good and harmonious, you will enjoy some outings and dinners with family. Those in finance, banking, accounting fields will get good jobs and will have success. This is the place where you will feel to be at highest level and in great form. Businessmen will have good time and reap in rich profits during the month. More intense month for work area. Family life may suffer and you may not be able to give time. Spare time for family. Immunity of body will be adequate and take care of your timely food.

Remedy: Pray Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj on Wednesdays offer garik to diety.

will enjoy some outings and dinners with family. Those in finance, banking, accounting fields will get good jobs and will have success. This is the place where you will feel to be at highest level and in great form. Businessmen will have good time and reap in rich profits during the month. More intense month for work area. Family life may suffer and you may not be able to give time. Spare time for family. Immunity of body will be adequate and take care of your timely food.

Remedy: Pray Prathma Devta Shri Ganesh Maharaj on Wednesdays offer garik to diety.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 11th house

This transit shall mark rise in pleasures and desires and their fulfilment. A hormony with friends, neighbours and association with people are strong and secure. All you desires of enjoyments, outings, family meetings will be fulfilled. If you are trading in stocks and shares this is the time to reap in profits. Short terms gains and high profits are indicated here. Be cautious with money, expenditure on entertainment will be more during this month.

Student will gain in their scores and ratings. They will have good times with their friends and teachers. Romance will be good and people in relationship will find to be much happier.

Remedy: Donate some conch, bell in a temple.

Mercury transit in Sagittarius 2023 effect on 12th house

This transit when passes is very favourable for 12th house as there may be a loss of money and health. Your communations will be ineffective. Diapointments will be high. You will feel highly burdened, turning back and forth to discover the reasons behind your current circumstances. Therefore, you must understand that with time everything changes, so don't be too disappointed. For a calm mind, you should meditate and spend time doing yoga.

Chances of being hospitalised are more, natives may have setback of matters in life. There will be sever disappointment in matters of relations. Youngsters to be more careful. New borns to be take additional care. Travel will be imminent and may not serve purpose. Old age people to taken care as this transit may affect their memory. A deep sink in to spiritiality will be highly appreciated.

Remedy: Chant Vishnu Sahrasanaam daily.

For good results and issues chant Gayatri Ganapati mantra wear good Emerald stone of good quality and can also be procured from Astroyogi site. For all guidance please contact Astro Bhanu.