Monthly Predictions of all the constellations for the month of November – 2023.

The month of November – 2023 starts with the tithi of Sankashta Chaturthi of Krishna paksha of Kartika masa / month. The month has list of festivals of Kartika mas majorly being :

November 5, 2023 : Tulsi Vivah November 13, 2023 : Laxmi puja / Diwali Kartika Amavasya November 17, 2023 : Chat pooja November 27, 2023 : Guru Parb, Guru Nank Jayanti

This is the month when all the natives will eagerly wait for major festivals and celebrations. On the financial front the share market is on the UP and bullish giving a good announcement of dividends and bonuses.

The month begins with Sun transiting in Libra since October 17 and the other planets Mercury and Mars joining Sun in Libra. Mars and Mercury in retrograde and combustion with Sun. Jupiter continues in retrograde motion in Aries till January 1, 2024. Rahu and Ketu are on the boarders of the sign Pisces and Virgo respectively and the leaving of signs Aries and Libra giving the results in as per their shadowy nature. The details of Rahu & Ketu predictions are given separately in the blogs. Venus is in Leo at the beginning of the month and arriving in Libra on November 03, 2023 and travelling the Libra sign for the entire month and then going to Scorpio on November 30. Moon with its fastest travel is in Taurus its exaltation sign at the beginning of the month and makes the entire transit witin 26 days and comes to Taurus on November 26. Saturn in Acquarias is in retrograde motion on November 01 and turn to direct motion on November 04. This is a major event awaited by many and this is relief since Saturn will regain direction motion and shall be able to give the results of the desires and gains which have been slowed down during the last 6 months.

The Astrologer gives the predictions that there will be relief to many in major areas depending on the placement of Saturn in the charts which can be mainly in pending karma of legal cases, court hearings, judgements, health, long period hospitalization, debts, gain, construction projects having issues will regain, placements. For most of the natives the month is very crucial since the long pending works will get resolved and there will be a sigh of relief but the partnership issues and relationship issues will be badly disturbed. Certain issues of blames, scandals may take place for some and there can be a gift of property, hidden money some unearned incomes. Some chances of accidents, cuts may take place.

A retrograde Mars will grant relief in the area of pending works of marriage for the eligible natives seeking marriage will be accomplished and also marriage with an old friend is predicted.

A detailed prediction for all the rashis constellations based on moon sign in given below for the benefits of all the Astroyogi Users and followers.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that Aries natives were having a tough time since the last 8 months now the time has come when their issues will be eased out and will have a good beginning in the month. Your own self you will ease and feel unburdened. Your mind will be out of tensions. The is bound to give you high aggression levels which shall create issues of disputes with your relations, friends and in new places. Natives are advised to keep restrain and calm.

On the family front you will have a coordination of things you will get adequate support form all members. There will be an addition to family.

Your relations with your partner or spouse will start with good node but after the first week there will be serious issues. Some hidden secret may be revealed due to which there will be a break in relationship or issues with your spouse.

Your health is a concern here, there can be issues related to stomach, liver, intestines, digestion gastric such alike diseases may strike you. Take care of your liver and food related issues. Beware of infections or else you may catch some infections. Health of your partner will be a major concern during this month cancerians to be more cautious.

The month gives a indication of receiving some secret money, property, some unearned incomes may fall in your accounts. People working in MNCs may get esops, shares as gift from their companies. Others may get bonuses and dividends.

Natives in business will earn money and accumulation of money in banks will be on rise. The month is very good for those expecting promotions and rise in salaries. Their employers will be pretty happy with them and grant them good results for their hard work. New jobs and promotions are on card during this month.

Arians are likely to have long travels in this month more prominently in the first week of the month. These travels will be official and personal both. These travels will be beneficial and will fetch good money and relationships for which for which the native has been looking for a long time.

The period will be good for organising functions and also celebrating functions and making celebrations natives of of Aries will go for functions and celebration family gatherings and there will be meeting of people more often during after the second week of the month. A special aspect is predicted for Arians that in this particular constellation that the natives will meet their mentors, gurus and their fathers the bonding with their fathers will increase.

This month Arians may get some finance and pending monies from sources of vendors and also repayment of old pending loans may take place.

Relationship will foster during this period and physical intimacy will grow natives will have more of time and enjoy the intimate relationship with their loved ones and the opposite sex. Married natives will usher great love and affection on their spouses.

Remedy : Pray goddess MAA Laxmi and chant laxmi Stotra


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 for Taurus natives speaks that they will enjoy as this is one of the best times to reap in the results of your hard work. Love life will give all comforts and love. Comforts are being conferred to them by destiny. Your hard work will now pay you. You may get a promotion in job. Chances of change in job are very prominent by the second week of November.

Natives who are in education field need to focus and there are chances of disconnect from studies. A new issue may develop which will make you worried and uncertainty may prevail in your heart. Just focus and be alert.

During this period your love life will blossom and you will be able to express your love and get the support and affection from your partner.

During the period of middle of the week the romance of Taurians will be at very high level. You will be enjoying good parties and outings. The second half of the month will be of the period where you will face tension of relationship issues and extra marital issues. You may face some bad name due to the relationship issues.

Natives in business will get good profits money receipts flow in with stock level going up. Gains flowing in and your will achieve the set goals. Labour issues will be resolved for Taurus native. Litigation issues will be resolved and will turn on your way.

Finances will be tuned up and rise to good levels by the end of this month. Deposits will increase and savings will rise. Those aspiring for debt and loans will get the money during this period.

There will be some health issues mainly arising out of stress levels. Aggression levels will be at high level during the first half of the month. Liver issues, digestion problems heat in the body will be prominent in many natives.

Travels will be on account of pilgrimage, visiting a holy shrine, seeking the blessings of a great saint and guru are happenings for the Taurian native during the month. A holy dip in holy river is prediction for many in this period.

There will be some get to gathering on business matters and you may attend seminars and give deliberations.

Remedy:Pray Goddess MAA Laxmi devi and feed Some food Gud Chana to Cow.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that the Geminians known for their multiple activity performers, doing many things at same time, achieving their object even with delay will have a testing time in this month. The first half will be tough but in the second half they will be able to perform as an individual without any control on them. They will achieve their desired results. The natives will have a good time with themselves and this period will be without any major issues on the career and professional areas.

Geminians in the first week shall witness some good guests coming in and enjoying some family gatherings. This can be an emotional gathering take care of family members especially the elderly women in the family.

Then can be some emotional moments when natives will face separation from their partner with whom they have been in relationships as one of them can go far off and also separate.

Students pursuing education will aggressively pursue their subjects and shall come out with flying colours. Those appearing in competitive exams will have fair success and perform well.

Health-wise the first half of the month will be good, you will have good times and celebrate in parties, however the second half of the month forsees some issues of heat, stomach related issues, some natives are likely to encounter sever head related issues of migraine, cervical issues. Natives are advised to be careful and not to stress out themselves.

Geminians prefer to travel and go for various activities of entertainment with friends and relatives. The month will give good opportunities and they will enjoy with their friends.

Remedy:Pray Bhagwan Ganesh Maharaj and offer dhurva on wednesdays. Chant ganesh mantra.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that the cancer natives are one of the fastest moving, emotional, sensitive and family oriented people. The month has good events going around for them. They will focus on themselves more in the mid of first week and shall try to reconstruct themselves. With siblings they will have good times and will take care of them. Cancerians are on the look out for support from others always.

If Cancerians will pay more focus on family especially the women folk, older ladies. They must take out their family and buy good gifts for them. The natives should give support then their insecurity will ward off. Some of the natives will have separation from their family and especially the senior male members.

Those in relationship should avoid emotionality or else they will be blamed by partners for things which may not be under their control. The end of the month may see some Relationships cross the lines and may reach for support to others outside the existing relationships.

Cancer natives engaged in jobs will continue with things in a better way since the hindrance will be out and there will be peaceful atmosphere for work. Some of the natives will have the blessings of their employers and mentors. There is a possibility of promotion and change of jobs. Natives wanting to change jobs and pending for a long time will see the things taking up shape and they will get success in jobs.

Cancer natives in business will do good and will find the month shaping up well for them and their business will have some good inputs and the show will go well for them.

Finances will be good as more money will be received and lady luck will smile on them. Cash flow will be good and receipts will rise.

Cancerians are fond of travel and more so for romantic trips. But this month there will be trip to holy shrine and they will seek the blessings of their diety of God or Godess.

Remedy:Cancerians may go for Shri Vishnu temple and offer some good white flowers to diety.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that Venus in Leo, the deer in lion’s den. For leo natives the month is of more interaction with siblings and closer relations with siblings and bondage of spirituality in family, the relations with partners, spouse will be strained as leons seldom allow the partners to have freedom. However, there will be some blame on leo natives in this month natives to be careful of their activities. Level of spirituality will increase. Activities in profession and business will move fast during the month. There will be some issue of sickness of one of family member who may be hospitalised. Siblings bent to family will be more which will make the atmosphere more emotional and family will have good relations.

The dominative attitude of leons will suffer this will be mended by involvement of siblings who would clear the air and bring aminosity in the family. Relationships may not be so good as the leons will have lower profile in the first half of the month and shall be regaining its qualities of vitality, creativity and egocenterism in the second half of the month.

The prediction for work area jobs or business is that it will be just adequate there will be slowness, hindrance and bottlenecks in areas of work, job and business is predicted. Some hidden money, unearned incomes and hidden gains are predicted.

The predictions for the Leo natives are being highlighted on an aspect of controversies during this month by Leo natives to refuse to participate in important negotiations, even attending entertainment events can turn into problems. The Leo horoscope promises that seclusion will not last long. Soon the mood will change, the glass will become half full again. You just need to get through this moment. Since Venus in Virgo stands for thrift, even small purchases will be successful.

The middle of the month will depend on the location of the authorities. There comes a moment when everything falls into place. The general Leo predictions for November 2023 promises participation in profitable projects. However, the path to success will take some time, and friction with the leadership is not ruled out. It is important not to lose heart and believe in your star, the finish line is already very close. Due to the fact that under Mercury in Sagittarius irrational thinking prevails, Leo perceives reality in a slightly distorted form. The desire to exaggerate both joys and misfortunes can lead to problems. Instead of wasting time on fantasies, it is better to do something socially significant, this will help strengthen your position in society.

The calm end of November will put an end to controversial issues. The situation will stabilize, conflicts will remain in the past, which will positively affect the mood. According to the November gochar for Leo, life is a big adventure. Self-confidence will appear, a crowd of like-minded people will gather around, so all adversity is on the shoulder. Since Mars in Scorpio encourages risk taking, a life without thrills loses its meaning.

In pursuit of pleasure, Leons can lose touch with reality, which will primarily affect health. In an effort to look spectacular, we must not forget that clothing should protect against bad weather. Hypothermia will start a chain of chronic diseases.

Remedy:Pray God Shri Shani dev on Saturdays and give food to poor and homeless.


The Virgo chart for November 2023 has a spirituality and disconnect in its soul a helming of people in family and then the main heads of family going their own way for fighting a cause. Personal life going for a toss where uncertainty prevails, the house of hidden secrets is on way to reveal everything. Largely some part is taken for care of a female element thereby prediction that there shall be a female of family who would need care and attention.

The Virgo horoscope for November 2023 portends good luck in love. True, the path to happiness is not easy. It must be remembered that a successful outcome depends on personal determination. If the feeling is real, it will be possible to defend it. During this month, every little thing unsettles, even the calm Virgo is prone to bursts of aggression. You need to show interest in what is happening. Once the full moon or the Poornima comes after the November 27 progress is predicted.

The beginning of the month will be good for natives with new discoveries and pleasant meetings. However as the month progress there will be more focus on work and your will power and courage will rise. You will focus on work and achieve recognition. Your colleagues will assist and seniors will support and mentor.

You will meet new people and you will naturally jell with them and your communication will be good and effective. You will build a trust with new acquantances. The Astrologer guides you to be nice, communicative which shall benefit you in future.

Business will go good and new projects will be undertaken. New assignments will be given to people in jobs. Those who are in independent positions either in business or in jobs will get big assignments or projects. Such assignment will have the issues of systematic issues of starting the projects. It is predicted that such works which you will be receiving may have hindrance but just keep going with them and success lies in your perseverance. A major decision will be taken by you.

Finances will be comfortable you will have good balances may go for a debt or a loan for business purpose. Some major decisions on pending investments will be taken during this period Health might be a matter of concern take care of your back pain or any skin issues. Donot be lazy in life be active.

Travels of short distance for meeting your dear and near ones and may be for attending a happy ceremony.

Remedy:Offer some green leaves like basil / tulsi in temple to Bhagwan Shri Ganesh Maharaj ji on Wednesdays.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that for Libra natives the month is wonderful you are having the intelligence valour and energy in hour own self and your desires and valour are interchanging with your energy levels. The beginning of the month will be good times to take decisions and reap the benefits in future. People will recognise you and appreciate you. The later part of the month indicates that your energy will go for comforts and enjoyments after the first half of the month. The prediction is that you must restrain your communication. Be cordial and communicate in sweet manner. Don’t be verbal and donot ever use any strong words. Chances are bright that with Sun and Mars in third house the natives of this constellation will go all out verbally to hit anyone.

You will have good time with your family. The beginning of the month will be good but the prediction goes that after the second half there might be issues due to your communication levels. Don’t be impatient, keep restrain on your tounge and be polite. Don’t reveal your secrets to others.

Don’t be impatient try to restrain yourself. Donot reveal your secrets.

You will Earn money build resources, money comes during this month and there will be great rise in status. You may think of acquiring a new property start a new venture of residence.

Health may be affected take care of your health you may fall ill stomach infections, throat infections are likely to happen. Also there is possibility of your spouse falling ill during this month take care of her health.

A travel to a pilgrim near a mountain is possible those who are are devoted to Goddess Durga will visit their temples on mountains in this month.

Remedy:Pray Goddess Durga and read the Durga Stuti daily.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 the fixed watery sign Scorpio, natives will have a time of heavy expenditure, someone hospitalized, a bad name, business travel, in the second half it is full of courage and energy just like a conquerer. There can be a purchase a land deal, good business, issues of health to mother, a dull atmosphere at home, some absence of respect in some places, people working under you may betray, good companionship, money flowing in, happiness and comfort in life with some struggle.

Scorpians to be careful during the month they will have face some issues of bad name, issues with eyesight and hair fall. Opportunities will be good enough for purchase of land acquiring a property but do get it registered and pay the governmental obligations on time. There are chances of government penalty for some natives.

In work area some workers may betray and even steal some money be careful. Higher authorities will not be favorable to you this month keep them in good spirits. You will get good partners in business and new projects may start, you may sign up new assignments, natives in job will be given new work and more of burden of work.

For Students and scholars the period is of hardwork and dedication. You must focus on your studies and pay respect to your teachers er else some natives may get a bad name.

Earnings and finance will be good money is coming in and balances in bank accounts will increasing, however there will be lot expenditure on status, health of parents, and extravagant expenditures. Natives are advised to reduce the expenditure of extravagant nature.

Love life is good, new relationship will come across and you will build a good bond. Many natives will build relationships in work areas. The relationships will be more prominent in end of first week.

Travel is on card and more foreign travel which will be fruitful and more business to flow in. Such travels will also bring in new relationships with opposite sex.

Natives will join the celebrations of occasions at friends place and will have a good time. The Astrologer cautions the Scorpio natives to be carful of communications, speak sweet and donot get into any arguments and not to be critical of any matter. There is all the possibility of getting a blame, a stigma in your respect if precaution not taken.

Remedy:Pray Bahubali Shri Hanumanji and chant Hanuman Chalisa.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 speaks that for Sagittarius natives the month is giving some very good results in the areas of work, communication, siblings, friends, new opportunities, any innovations, new assignments, work recognition, rewards, on luck side many new opportunities will open, there will be gain in the first half of the month, your desires will be fulfilled, the second half will be of high aggressive expenditure for status, name and also for hospitals, and some amount of pleasures.

On the family front there may be some unpleasant things from your children which may just bring you down, but your spouse will be cooperative. Parents and older people will rely on you for support do give them the necessary support. The relations will have to build up properly and its time for you to maintain the courage of your children. Your sibllings will be good but just for their health which might cause a worry for you.

On relationship front you will build a good relationship with your partner and new relationship are also formed. This will be beginning for you in relationship do cherish and maintain the romance.

Natives in jobs will do very good they will get a reward and due recognition in this month. A change in job for many is not ruled out. Your authorities will be good to you and usher their blessings on you. Your subordinates will be cooperative and will assist and obey you in all your orders.

On the business side great time good opportunity for Sagittarius they will good money for their hard work and get recognition in their trades. Great time for consultants and advisors they will have a good revenue and name in the market and they will solidify their goodwill and prevail for longer times.

Finances front is good revenues coming in and cash flow is on the rise for the Sagittarius natives. The second half is a time when their expenditures will rise and go sky rocketing, do control that.

Travels are there long dike the distance travels and business travels which will bring new and growth. Keep your communications in controlled manner and observe the words before you speak as the second half may bring some issue of respect.

Remedy:Pray God Ram and chant vishnusahsranam.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 the Capricorn natives have a superb month ahead all they need is determination, drive, discipline, good communication and simplicity. Outstanding performance by some professionals, long travels, issue of parents, knowledge, skill sets, enemy, work balance, weak business no new business, profits coming in, avoid insults, success in job, promotion, controversy of old issue, change of job, change of residence, maid can leave, employee can leave, worker can leave.

On the family front there will not be much of peace great happiness. Health of parents will be a matter of concern. Health of partner, spouse will be a concern. Take care of family build a good atmosphere at home and maintain peace, donot argue on small matters, donot insult. Take care of health of parents they may require treatment and attention. Partner’s health will be concerning do seek a physician for any issue. Health of spouse will be a concern give time for it and heal her. Mother will give an advise do take it and follow.

Relationships will be good more of romance in relationships is being predicted.

On professional front things look good if you follow determination, drive, discipline maintain good communication and be simple and donot flout with your ego and become egocentric then believe me this is my prediction you will be suitable rewarded for your work by Saturn. Any amount of deviation from the basics of life and karma as explained by me here will result in untiring hard period.

On the job front be good with your superiors and pay regard to your employer it will be suitably rewarded and all likely you will get a promotion news soon. If you are looking for a job change it is on card even a change in place and residence is always possible in this month. These are the times when you will work without anyone’s support and become self made.

There are possibility of getting a blame very much for things of past. Your enemies are up and ready to put it on you. An advise donot fight with anyone and donot build enemies.

Business will not be as favourable for Capricorn natives since the odd planets out over there who will be egoist and may insult you to provoke you. Be careful and donot get provoked.

Remedy:Pray Hanumanji on Tuesdays & Saturdays and donate oil and black sesame in temple or to any poor.


The planetary chart for the month of November 2023 for Acquarius natives is very positive industrious bright and energetic. The planet are conferring status, honour, work, respect, travel, achievements earnings, expenditure, spirituality, leadership, relationships, companions and hardwork.

The month is bright for you as you are a hardworking and maintain low profile so you be like that and Saturn pays you in return. There will be good success in job, excellent communications skills, and great and multiple relationships. The hardwork will confer status, money, reward and achievement. You are a leader and will take lead for all matters and people will follow and love you. Acquarians are advised to be careful of enemies as there will be some legal issue invoked by the opponents to tarnish your image.

The earning part will be more than the remaining months as you are industrious person, you will achieve the impossible also. There will be personal happiness too. A relation and great bondage with your paternal relations will build during this month do allow the opportunity to make the relation good.

You will have romantic time with your spouse and will enjoy all the comforts in life. These are good times for people in relationships and they will have love and romance more than they desire.

On the job front your hard work will be recognized and will be paid to you. You may get a promotion. A rise in status is always there during this month for Acquarius natives.

Finances will be good and incomes will be more but expenditure will also match the incomes. New works assignments and project will be taken up which will pay in the long run.

Travel is there and the planets will take you to a shrine of ancient type which will be great blessing to you. Do visit and seek the blessings of diety.

There will be a celebration for your success at the end of the month. You must greet each and every person in the function and make your presence felt as simple and down to earth host, do Hard work, be humble, and serve the poor.

Remedy:Perform rudra abhishek on Mondays and chant Rudram.

These are only generalized predictions for November. To get a more personalized horoscope, please call Astro Bhanu number on the screen or click on the link below right away!