Venus Transit In Virgo

Venus the planet of love being feminine and beauty, along with all kinds of pleasures. A strong Venus creates artistic appreciation and strong, lasting marriages. This is significator of wealth, happiness, money and luxuries in life. When it is weak it leads to problems with relationships wealth and happiness.

This is one of the planet which can be observed in the east as a morning star and in the west as evening star. This transit of Venus to Virgo takes place on November 3, 2023 at 05:49 hours and will stay in Virgo till November 30, 2023 00:49 hours. The transit of Venus roughly happens after every 25-27 days. Venus will be around the Sun with in the range of 47 degrees. A strong Venus gives Malavaya yoga which gives a beautiful body, handsome appearance, meritorious, blessed with vehicles, wife and children, wealth, learned in scriptures, liberal with counsels people, followers. A strong Venus may supply all the essential satisfaction in life, good health and a strong mind. A strong Venus may provide the natives with all positive results with high success in reaching happiness and pleasure. Natives with strong Venus in their horoscope may make themselves comfortable and live happily. The natives may be flourishing extremely in earning money and increasing their comforts.

When Venus combines with a bad association of planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars, there might be struggles and obstacles the natives could be facing. If Venus combines with Mars then the natives may possess impulsiveness and aggression and if Venus combines with malefics like Rahu/Ketu during this planetary movement, the natives might be facing health problems like skin related issues, lack of sound sleep and extreme swelling problems. However, if Venus is associated with benefic planets like Jupiter then positive results for the natives may get doubled with respect to their business, trade, gaining more money and enhancing their scope of earning more money.

Venus as we all know is the significator for love, beauty and entertainment, and so Venus gains prominence in one’s life. When Venus goes weaker, then there may be lack of happiness, lack of bonding among the natives. When Venus transits and gets strong especially in zodiac signs like Taurus and Libra, then, natives may derive all fortunes in gaining more money, keeping good relationships with their life partner.

The current article will discuss on the general predictions of Venus transit in Virgo on all constellations. These are general predictions and readers may assess their predictions based on their moon sign or sun sign both applicable.


For Aries natives the lord of romance and luxury Venus transit is not in good position to allow natives to make wise decisions regarding natives life which may promote natives interest. Natives may lose some consciousness during this course of time which may be needed for natives to meet with success. There may be chances for some unknown sense of fear which natives may be possessing which natives need to avoid during Venus Transit In Virgo. First natives essentially will need to be clear in their actions and thoughts. Natives are advised to avoid pursuing major decisions like new investment during Venus Transit In Virgo.

On the career front, opportunites will be missing, natives may be meeting with more problems in the form of obstacles and work pressure which may be detrimental to natives interests in promoting natives self with respect to natives career. Natives relations with their superiors and colleagues during this period will not be good and uneventful. Natives may adopt some way of working and try to earn a good name with reputation. Chances for change of job of natives which may not be to their interest.

Natives doing business, may bring less profits and ther may be losses. If natives are in a partnership, then natives may be facing problems in partnership and if natives try for new partnerships, then natives are bound to face heavy loss. So, natives may need to be more careful.

On the financial front, during this transit, natives may be meeting with more losses that natives may not be expecting and this could cause more worries for natives. Natives may also lose money while traveling due to negligence and for this, natives may need to pay more attention and focus on the same. During this time, natives may be having more commitments and for the same, natives may need to spend more money. The natives may be getting money from debts and borrowings from friends which may be quite natural. So, natives need to plan their expenses and spend precariously.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, things will be problematic there will be more of health issues, doubts, fights and quarrels. Misunderstanding will increase leading to distraught relationships. Some of the Aries may also be aggressive in their relationships.

On the health front, during this transit, natives may be prone to digestion problems and eye related infections which may act as a constraint and botheration for natives.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Haunamanji seek for good relations and finances. Chant hanuman chalisa.


For the Taurus natives, Venus is significator for self and friendship, relations and education. It is not a good transit for Taurus natives and is devoid of comforts, relations. Taurusian might not be able to generate the requisite success out of vigorous efforts and may need to take care of their health. Natives skills will not be adequate to have a good position to secure the expected results. The career front, natives may face more work pressure and obstacles from natives superiors. There may be some distress on natives part which natives will be witnessing while performing work. So, natives need to take care and be careful. Natives may need to work out and plan accordingly so that natives may be able to meet with high success.

On the business front during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives could be facing both profits and loss which natives might not be able to manage easily. Natives may need to be more careful in natives moves with natives business partner which is required during this course of time or otherwise natives might be losing several things in life.The business may run on break even, natives may need to change natives strategies with respect to natives business so that natives are in tune with the new trends in business. In short, natives will have to accommodate nativesself to contemporary trends.

On the financial front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be put into the situation of going for loans which are very much needed to cover up natives commitments. There may be only scope for moderate savings which will be prevailing during this course of time. Natives may also be put to the situation of facing money loss sometimes.

On the relationship front, during this transit, relationship problems may exist for natives with natives life partner and this may be possible due to lack of adjustments that may be prevailing within natives. So due to this, natives may need to accommodate nativesself to situations which need to be done or otherwise, there could be more arguments.

On the health front, natives may be subjected to pain in eyes, throat infections etc. Natives may also be put into the situation of spending more money for the health of natives children.

Remedy:Pray God Kartikeya and chant Sree Kartikeya Stotram.


For the Gemini natives, the transit Venus is significator of the relations, career, work, innovations, travel sleep expenditure and pleasures Geminians may be able to secure all the benefits that natives get during this period. Natives may be able to derive more interest in spiritual matters and get along with this. Spiritual travels for Geminians are not ruled out.

On the career front, natives may be able to derive all benefits during this course of time which may give natives full satisfaction. Natives may also get new job chances that may prove to be worthy enough. Natives may get promotions in natives job for the hard efforts that natives are putting into. Natives may be able to display leadership qualities in natives work and further enhance the same.

On the business front, if natives are doing business natives will be gaining new business contacts and gain benefits from the same. There may be good chances for natives to secure new orders, but the profits that natives may derive from business operations may not be possible at a full rate. Natives may be getting only moderate profits despite the efforts that natives are putting in business. Natives may be facing some partnership problems also during Venus Transit In Virgo and due to this, natives may not be able to show more attention towards natives business.

On the financial front, during this month, natives may be put into the situation of facing both expenses and gains; or natives may be meeting with some expenses and good money gains. Even if natives are earning better, natives could be spending more money for native’s house and the scope of saving money may become moderate.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit in Virgo natives may be facing some better closeness with natives family members and natives life partner and in turn natives may be in a good position to build up a better relationship and good values.

On the health front, natives will be able to keep fine health and gain comforts due to briskness and energy that natives will be able to keep during this time. Natives may also be having the enthusiasm and positive attitude that may guide natives to maintain good health.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharvasheesh path.


For the Cancer natives, Venus in this transit will be significator of comforts, mother, warmth, gains and fulfilments of desires.

Cancerians this a good period. Also, natives may be able to derive satisfaction for the efforts that natives are pursuing. Further, natives may be able to fulfil natives desires during Venus Transit in Virgo. There may be chances for more travel for natives and some may be put to change of place with respect to their career.

On the career front, there may be more benefits possible for natives during Venus Transit in Virgo and good recognition for the skills that natives are showing. Natives may be gaining the reputation of native’s superiors and this may surprise natives. Due to the above reason, natives may be changing jobs for better prospects and thereby to gain satisfaction.

If natives are in business, then this transit may bring good success in business and if natives have expectations of aiming for high profits then it may be possible for natives to achieve the same with respect to natives business. Natives may be getting good profits and thereby gain more satisfaction also. There may be stiff competition that natives may be facing from competitors, but despite this competition, natives will be able to gain.

On the money front, during Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be facing more money gains. Natives may be able to use the money that natives are gaining. There may be good chances for natives to save money and thereby natives may be gaining chances to accumulate more money. It may be a good moment for natives during this transit movement, that the money that natives earn may be used wisely for savings.

On the relationship side, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. There may be chances for more happy moments and natives may be proud about the same and the feelings that natives may be having with natives’ life partner may be more lovable

During Venus Transit in Virgo, natives may be possessing better health and this may be due to enthusiasm and energy left within. There may be more briskness that may enable natives to support.

Remedy:Pray God Chandramouleeswaran and chant Shiv Panchakshari Stotram.


For the Leo natives, Venus is the significator of valour, confidence, communication, hard work and karma.

During this transit, natives may be facing difficulties in natives career front. There may not be much job satisfaction and the reason for this is that there may be a lack of recognition that natives may be owning from natives’ superiors. Natives might be feeling disappointed with respect to natives’ career. Natives could be facing displeasure from natives’ higher officials and from natives subordinates. Such displeasure might be causing more concern for natives.

Leoians will face some changes in job and in their workplace may be a change of place is also shown. A new job and new relations are not ruled out in this period.

For natives in business, this Transit might not bring high profits though natives losses may tend to reduce and sometimes natives may be facing even loss which may make natives feel bad. There may be situations for natives to face even loss in business which natives may not be able to bear. Stiff competition and non-support of native’s business partners may cause disappointments to natives, even loss in business which natives might not be able to bear. All these situations could cause disappointments to natives.

During this period, natives may be facing loss of money while traveling and this may be arising due to negligence. Further during this transit movement, natives may need to spend money for the health of native’s siblings and life partner.

Even though natives may be spending money for natives’ life partner, natives may not derive good satisfaction from natives life partner and she may not derive satisfaction despite the care that natives may be giving. Natives may also lose money by lending to friends and such money may not come back to natives.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain charmless in a relationship with natives life partner. There may be lack of bonding and this may arise due to arguments which may erupt while communicating. Natives may get provoked for unwanted reasons and this provocation natives may need to avoid to ensure happiness. It may be essential for natives to maintain patience and tolerance in such a way that natives may be meeting with success in a relationship with natives life partner and thereby create a positive space.

On the health front, natives may be having pain in natives throat and succumb to digestion related problems. There may be a lack of sleep during nights sometimes. Natives may need to resort to physical exercises to maintain natives health intact. Sometimes natives may also be experiencing pain in legs and thighs etc. It may be better for natives to do meditation/yoga to keep natives health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to support the same.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ram Raksha Stotra for karya siddhi and good health.


For the Virgo natives, Venus will be significator of family, money, cash flow, luck life, fortune and success in all endeavours.

For working class and employees it will be a period of desire fulfilment of career and professions. Natives may be in a position to get new job opportunities during Venus Transit In Virgo which may fulfil natives objectives.There may be overseas travel and chances with respect to the same. Natives may be in a position to gain recognition and reputation with natives superiors which may give natives delight. Appreciating natives performance in a job, natives may get an increase in salary or earn incentives/perks which may give natives satisfaction. New job chances that natives may be getting may be promoting natives interests and make natives a complete person. Natives may also be getting rewards and extra incentives which may be possible because of dedication and professional tendencies that natives may be having.

For natives in business the transit will give a high level of profits and natives may get chances for securing further new business contacts and setting a good example with natives competitors. Natives may be in a position to witness traces of more luck during this transit movement with respect to natives business. Business partners may be in a position to cooperate with natives and due to this, natives may be in a position to make more suitable decisions and promote natives business.

On the financial front, natives may be able to earn good money and save also. Natives may have a lot of chances by earning more money from external sources and or through outsourcing. Fortunes may be favouring natives in which natives may gain money through inheritance. Natives may be lucky enough to amass extra incentives and rewards which may be giving natives a lot of joy with ecstasy. Natives may be able to get support from natives friends in gaining money. If natives are in business, natives may get favourable chances to secure money through foreign sources.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain cordial relationships with natives life partner. Natives may also be in a position to secure good support from natives life partner. Natives may be able to communicate in a pleasant manner with natives life partner and for this, natives may be in a position to get the return in the form of more love from natives beloved life partner.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems and generally natives may be in a fitting condition. Natives may be able to own the enthusiasm, courage and determination to face complex situations and this may in turn guide natives to maintain fine health.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Atharva sheesh path.


For the Libra natives, Venus is the significator of secret things and expenditures, hospitalisation, travel and some events of litigation issues. You may do some secret activities in this month, your health may see some impact in the form of some weakness, ear problem, cold and cough and there might be expenditure on medical lookup and medicines. The month will be good for medical practitioners and associated fields.

Librans in their the career will witness frequent changes and shifts of jobs. The desire of Librans to achieve heights and luxuries on life will take them to various places. Libra natives may be having more interest in career development and natives may put natives focus with respect to the same.

For business natives, then this movement may bring moderate success in business and enable natives to earn a low level of profits. Natives may also be getting moderate chances to secure outsourcing business during this time and this may bring natives moderate profits only. Natives may be securing moderate satisfaction from natives business.

On the financial side, natives may be getting less money from natives job. Natives may get less chances to gain more money via foreign sources. Since natives will be more career conscious during this Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may not be so comfortable in terms of earning high money.

On the relationship front, natives may not be able to maintain a relationship in a more friendly manner with natives life partner. Natives may not secure the cordial support of friends and natives life partner during this course of time.

On the health front, natives may not be having major health problems that may be creating high troubles for natives. Natives may be having only eye related health problems and irritations etc. But natives may be owning coughs and colds which may be arising due to allergies.

Remedy:Pray God Ganesh Maharaj and chant Ganesh gayatri Mantra.


For the Scorpio natives, the transit of Venus is significator of relationships, spouse, business partner, success, pleasures, travel, diseases. The shall be one where you will have relationships blossoming into being a lifetime partnerships. Many will get married, those aspiring for separation and remarriage the same may take place. Aggression during the month will be high this may not be good for the Scorpio natives.

On the career front, Scorpion natives may be facing good results with respect to natives career. The present job may be suitable for natives and may be giving natives satisfaction. Natives may be facing satisfaction with natives superiors/colleagues etc. Natives may also be put to long travel with respect to natives career for which natives may think of changing natives job for better prospects. For the hard work being done, natives may be getting the essential recognition and this may cause natives happiness. There may be good traces of luck which natives may need to face with respect to natives career.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring good success in business in terms of luck, profits etc. Natives may be facing less competition from natives competitors and in turn there may not be more problems from natives competitors.

On the money front, natives may be getting good money out of the efforts that natives create. More gains may be prevailing for natives during this transit movement and the scope to save may be more. Natives may also be facing unexpected sudden money gains which natives may not have expected.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. If at all if natives require happiness in a relationship, natives may need to adjust with natives life partner to witness merry moments.

On the health front, natives may be having good health due to a balanced diet. Natives may be having good immunity during this transit movement and this may guide natives to maintain fine health. It may be better for natives to do meditation/Yoga to keep sound health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to support the same.

Remedy:Pray God Bahubali Hanuman and chant Hanuman Chalise.


For the Sagittarius natives, Venus transit is significator of disease, debts, enemies and the urge to fulfil desires and have gains.

Due to the above facts, there may be good luck shining with natives and due to this, natives may be able to gain high fortunes and money. There may be more travel for natives with respect to natives career. Natives may be deriving fortunes from natives father.

On the career front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be gaining satisfaction in natives job or natives may be getting new abroad job chances that may fulfil natives desires. Natives may be facing more satisfaction in natives job during this time and natives may be in a position to secure appreciation for the hard efforts that natives are putting in.

If natives are in business, then this movement may bring particularly good success in business in terms of profit. Natives may be carried out by intense competition, but at the same time, natives may be in a position to gain more profits with natives sound technique and the functioning style of business. Natives may also run multiple businesses.

On the money front, during this transit, natives may be getting high money and at times, suddenly unexpected increase in money. Such an unexpected increase in money may come as a surprise for natives and at times may not be giving natives an elevated level of satisfaction.

On the relationship front, during Venus Transit In Virgo, natives may be able to maintain a good relationship with natives life partner. This may be possible due to the level of understanding that natives will be able to keep and thereby satisfactory results may be possible.

Sagittarius natives will have sound health and will have good enthusiasm and energy levels present in natives. It may be better for natives to do meditation/Yoga to keep natives health in good condition and thereby natives may be able to keep the same.

Remedy:Pray Go Shiva linga and perform rudra abhishek.


For the Capricorn natives, venus is the best friend and darling but the current Venus transit as such will not be able to give the results which the natives deserve. Although this is yogakaraka position for Capricornian natives and there may be projections of very goood results but it may not realise the same.

Due to the above, natives may be more conscious with respect to work and may get more good chances. There may be more travel for natives and such travel may be worth rewarding and fulfill natives promises.

On the career front, natives may be going for long distance travel with respect to their jobs. Such travels may be beneficial for natives and give natives satisfaction. Natives may be getting good chances for new job oppurtinites also and will fetch them immense satisfaction and returns. Natives may be getting promotion chances also during this transit movement and such chances may be fetching natives high satisfaction and the reason to be cheerful.

If natives are in business, then natives may be able to secure good returns and sound profits due to natives style of functioning and operations. Natives may put up a good fight with natives competitors with respect to natives business and due to this, natives may be in a position to earn good profits. There may also be chances for new business openings that natives may be able to get into and such openings may be giving natives satisfaction.

On the money front, natives may be gaining more and this may also be possible due to the good luck factor that may be present during this course of time and luck is the main factor which is mainly responsible for getting more and amassing.Natives may also be in a position to save and retain.

On the relationship front, natives may be able to maintain closeness and sweetness with natives life partner. By adopting the above, -natives may be able to keep more bonding and a unique approach. The above natives may be able to maintain due to good understanding with natives life partner.

On the health front, natives may be able to keep more robust health during this transit. There may not be more health problems for natives and only small health problems like stomach pain and digestion problems.

Remedy:Pray God Hanumanji and chant hanuman chalisa.


For the Aquarius natives, the transit is of their best friend Venus. This transit will be signifying events related to mother, success, father, guru money, job and success in all endeavours. Acquarian natives will be having a times of being with self as Saturn in this house and the natives will get good results during the transit of Venus.

Acquarian may have some issues with prosperity and confidence levels. Further, natives may need to spend more for the health of natives father. There may also be problems related to eyes for natives during this course of time.

On the career front, natives may be facing some obstacles with respect to natives work and more job pressure. Natives may be facing more problems from superiors and colleagues during this course of time and such problems may be creating less satisfaction and may be prompting natives to change jobs for better prospects.

If natives are in business, then this movement may not give good success and sound profits that natives may be expecting during this course of time. For this, natives may need to plan a lot and adopt new business strategies that may give natives success and good returns. Natives may also be facing more competition from natives competitors. So, natives need to adapt to the prevailing situations and win over.

On the money front, natives may be securing less money and if natives have lofty expectations for earning quick money during this transit, then this may not be a good period to gain. Also, even if natives gain better, natives may not be able to save.

On the relationship front, natives may be facing disputes in family and issues which may be giving natives more worries. Due to such disputes, natives may need to adjust with natives’ life partner to make things better and cordial. It may be essential for natives to resort to adjustment and by adopting so natives will be able to see better satisfaction in a relationship.

On the health front, natives may not be able to keep fitness. Natives may be facing eye related problems and digestion related problems.

Remedy:Pray God Ramji and chant Ramraksha Stotram


Pisces natives this is the place of highest form of luxuries, travel, expenditures, bed pleasures, comforts and this transit of Venus for Pisces natives, will be an important one as Venus transit in Virgo is of debilitated state and the Pisces is a sign of exaltation of Venus. Results will be mixed ones, giving comforts, pleases, expenses, travel, nearness to opposite sex, more of relationships and duality of character.

Pisces natives may be facing mixed results during this transit. There may be issues and conflicts with natives’ friends and dear ones. Due to such problems natives may lose satisfaction and may not be in a position to take suitable decisions that may be promoting natives interests. Natives may be facing relationship problems during this transit.

On the career front, natives may be facing various obstacles with respect to work and lack of satisfaction. Natives may also have relationship problems with natives’ superiors and colleagues. All these problems may lower down natives progress with respect to work. So, natives may need to work out with respect to this and emerge successful.

If natives are in business, then natives may not be able to gain higher profits with respect to the same. Natives may be facing more threats from natives’ competitors which may bring down prosperity in natives business. If natives are having more expectations of earning huge money, then Venus Transit in Virgo may not be sufficient enough to fulfil natives’ business dealings and fetch natives more profits.

On the money front, natives may be facing the situation of loss and sometimes it may be of sudden nature. Such loss may be disappointing. Natives may be left with less savings. Sometimes there may be chances for gaining money via inheritance. But despite this, money that natives are earning during this transit might not give natives more satisfaction.

On the relationship front, natives may not be deriving happiness with natives’ life partner and natives may be having arguments with natives life partner due to lack of understanding. Understanding is essential to keep harmony in a relationship. So, natives need to in unison to stick to goodness and wellbeing with natives’ partner and thereby ensure love.

On the health front, natives may be having digestion related problems, eye irritations. Natives may also be prone to pain in legs and irritations in skin.

Remedy:Pray lord Vishnu and chant Vishnusahsaranam.

These are general predications for detailed predictions and specific remedies please contact the wirter Astro Bhanu at AstroYogi.